dirty work

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A/N: Happy Hispanic Heritage Month, especially to my OC Michelle 🥳

CW: Self-harm

⚡︎ 5 years ago, Mexico City ⚡︎

I rushed to the National Palace just before 11pm after finishing a mission the president ordered me to do. "Just in time as always, Volten. I'm expecting good and clean reports from the news tomorrow morning." I followed behind the president and his wife towards the balcony as the crowd cheered for him. Him and his wife waved at the thousands of people that were outside waiting for him to start the yearly speech. For them it seemed like it was just another year for them to do the shout of patriotism or El Grito as they called it here. For me, it was the first year of only being in charge of the safety of the president and his wife. Cici, their daughter, my former sidekick was killed 7 months ago and I felt empty just as the spot next to her mom was. "Mexicans!" The president yelled into the mic, railing up the crowd.

"Long live our pro-heroes that protect us!"

Do we protect everyone or just the people with higher status?


"Long live universal equality!"

The same shitty equality you give to all your employees? To the states that are suffering? With Cici?


"Death to corruption!"

Then that means death to you too, Mr. President


" Long live Mexico!"



" There is a Yakuza group that has caught our attention.Some of the intel we have gathered about them is that they're starting to distribute a certain quirk drug around the country and are attempting to distribute overseas. Your job will be to clear out their hideout and bring back a case back of the drugs for us to examine."

I read over the file Madam slid over to me. It had very little details, as I expected. It had everything that she just told me and the location of the hideout.

"After this mission, you are free to work at U.A for the rest of the school year. I expect the results will be clean as always. Right, Volten?"

Clean as always.

I was now standing outside the hideout of the group in the middle of the night. It was a fish warehouse on the bay. It looked so weak that if any strong wave came through it would collapse. I sigh as I pull up my mask up my nose. When I went on missions sent personally from Madam President, I didn't go wearing my usual hero suit. It was always all black clothes. Long black trench coat, black pants, black combat boots and a black long sleeve shirt.

"After today's deal, I'm going to buy so much booze and spend it all in the red district!"

"Me too! I'll join you tonight!"

There were three men near the entrance sitting at a table playing cards. It seemed like they were the lookout, but obviously doing a shitty job.

"Well, I will finally get to buy my daughter the bicycle she's been wanting for so long! Oh I can't wait to surprise her with it!" The other two men booed at him. As they laughed and continued to play.

I'm sorry..

I took a deep breath in and used my speed quirk to look around the warehouse. It was a two story open floor warehouse. The lab where they create this drug was on the second floor. If I'm not careful, the men downstairs can easily spot me. Luckily it was just them three.

I carefully walk around the table full of chemistry tools and a bunch of pills, making it look like it's a pharmacy. What are they making? Is it the drug that enhances your quirk? I carefully collect all the pills and put them in their containers. I took a peek of the men downstairs, fortunately they didn't notice me. I put the containers inside a carrying case and was able to manage to secure it out without making any noise. Perfect, time to return this back and -

"Intruder! Intruder!" Shit!

I immediately turned where the voice was coming from above. It was a robotic birdwatch. It must have flown in without me realizing it. I immediately pointed at it with my finger and I was able to kill it quickly by overcharging it with my electricity. "They have the drugs! Kill them!" One of the men shouted as all three of them started to shoot at me with their guns. I hid under the table, waiting for them to run towards me so I could take them down. Suddenly the whole building started to rock, making the men grab on to the stairs rail. I look out the window behind me and I see a huge water wave coming towards us. The wave hits the warehouse, causing a huge flood on the first floor.

"Shit we're trapped!" One of them yelled as the other two dropped their guns and held on to the rail. The water was rising quickly up the stairs. I jumped through the broken ceiling to save myself and the case.

"I- I can't swim! Please, I need help!" The third man pleaded as he looked up to me. The other two men started to swim away before the wave came back, leaving the third man behind. "I-I have a daughter I need to get to. Please!" I pointed down with my finger at three men from the ceiling as electricity started to spark from my whole body. The man reached into his chest pocket, "l-let me show you a picture of -" I didn't want to hear the rest of the sentence, let alone see a picture of her.

I ended up electrocuting all three of them. One thing about electricity and water. If someone gets electrocuted in water, the body is left with no traces behind. The reason why I became such an asset. I was able to kill without leaving any traces behind. One zapped, and their cause of death will go down as unknown. The perfect weapon for anyone who desired it.

I jumped back to land, as I watched the warehouse get washed away. Every single thing was either drifting away or sinking to the bottom. My wrist watch beeped and I brought it up to me. "Finished right in time." I take out my glasses from the inside of my coat. I once again used my speed quirk to run to the safety commission.

I walked into Madam President's office and handed over the case. "Well done. Keeping our country safe as always." She gave me a smile as she looked through the case.

"I see you came back clean. No blood, no scratches-"

"With all due respect, am I finally free to go, Madam President?" Her smile was still plastered on her face. I was tired, I wanted to sleep, and most of all I was ready to leave this building behind. She better keep the end of her deal.

"Of course." I started to walk towards the door. Ready to never see this room ever again. "I do want to remind you." My fingers were wrapped around the door handle as my body stood still. "At the end of the day, you will continue to work under me no matter what. I saved you back when you were a child, don't ever forget that." I pulled the door open and walked out without saying anything to her.


I walked onto the school campus. The halls were quiet as I entered the teachers building. I walked into the elevator and closed my eyes until I heard the ding that I was on my floor. I noticed that there was a dim light coming from under Shouta's door. I looked at my watch. 3 a.m and this man is still working. I wanted to knock on his door. Wrap my arms around him and cry. Tell him what I just did and how the guilt still shows up. How I continued doing dirty work after all these years and wishing I could get rid of my quirk.

Instead I walked into my room. My clothes start to feel too tight on me and immediately start taking everything off, dropping each item to the floor. Only leaving my undergarments on. I marched into the bathroom. As I turned on the shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were getting bigger, messy hair, and I was starting to look malnourished. I hated myself. I hated myself. I hated myself. "I hate myself!" I punch the mirror, causing it to shatter.

Blood ran down my knuckles as I tried to muffle my cries with my hand. I fell to the ground, as I continued to cry. I looked down at the broken mirror pieces and picked up the one that was shaped like thunder. I felt anger take over and I stabbed myself right below my shoulder with it. Dark blood started to drip down my body as I pulled out the glass. A new scar in my body. The 24th to be exact. 24 scars to remind me that I have been sent 24 times on missions where I have been ordered to kill people. 

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