Chapter 7

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Tanja's PoV:   I woke up and when I got out of my cabin I saw Alby sitting on a trunk.

   I sat next to him. We both stared at the sunrise.

   —Good morning, "Alby" — I said with a smile on my face, I was happy he remembered his name.

   —Oh, hi, I didn't see you.— he said looking at me smiling

   —Here, l've made breakfast.— he handed me a plate with food.

   I looked at him, short hair, he looked like he was eighteen..., suddenly something came up to my mind.

   —Alby, can I ask you something? — I said looking at him, he stopped eating.

   —Yeah, of course.— he answered nodding.

   —How do I look like? — he looked at me confused — I mean, hair color, eye color... you understand? — I explained.

   —You don't know?—he asked a bit surprised.

   —Well, there aren't any mirrors here... I bet you don't know how you look either.— I smirked.

   —You're right. — he smiled.

   He turned his body to look at me and put a hand under his chin as if he was thinking.

   — You have brown straight hair, but it has a bit of blond in it too. Your eyes are also brown, but green and blue at the same time, they are weird, I don't remember have seen such an eye color before. Your nose is small, your skin is a bit too pale, at least I think so. Your lips are not too thin, but not too thick either... I think that's it. — he said.

   I didn't knew what to think, I knew more or less my hair color because I had it long, but what did he mean with "strange eye color"? Brown, green, blue... that was weird.

   —Thank you, —he nodded —now is my turn.— he raised one eyebrow asking for an answer — You don't want to know how you look?— said with sarcastic amazement in my voice and a fake gasp.

   He laughed.

   —No...— he said in a sarcastic voice tone— Of course!—he said with a smile.

   —Well, you have dark skin, dark hair, really short. Your eyes are brown, you have a big nose and thin lips. You look like you're eighteen.— I said, then it hit me— How old do you think I am? — I asked curious.

   —Hmm... eleven?, twelve?, maybe thirteen? — my jaw fell on the floor, l imagined myself older...—But I can assure you that mentally you are really older than you are.— he interrupted my river of thoughts.

   —Why do you think that?— I asked a bit sad of knowing that I'm younger than I had thought.

   —Because you are mentally stronger, and because of everything. You have built this in so a young age, you have survived a griever... I would have run to the doors and probably would have died. You're too mature for your age, that is obvious. Well, what do we have to do today?—he said.

   I smiled, he was really nice, he even tried to change the subject.

   — Today we're going to start with your cabin. Let's go to the woods to see if we find branches or something to build it.— I stood up and went into the woods, followed closely by Alby.

*** Time skip***

   The days passed and me and Alby, more than best friends, he felt like a big brother to me.

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