Chapter 65: I'm Finally home

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-2 months later-

Ally: *Checks out of the hospital* 

Austin: *Smiles* Ready to go

Ally: *Nods* Yea

Austin: *Takes her bags*

Auslly: *Walks out of the hospital, gets into Austin's car**Drives to Ally's house*

(At Ally & Bay's house)

Auslly: *Walks in with Ally's stuff*

Ally: *Smiles* I'm finally home

Austin: *Nods* Finally, it was a long 2 months

Ally: Yea it was

Austin: I'll put you're stuff upstairs 

Ally: *Nods*

Austin: *Walks upstairs into Ally's room, puts her bags down*

Bay: *Walks in* Hey

Austin: Did you get rid of all the knives, blades, and everything that she could hurt herself with

Bay: *Nods* Yea, I did

Austin: *Nods* Good

Bay: I think you should sleepover tonight, to be with her, it's going to be hard for her

Austin: *Nods* Yea I will

Austin, Bay: *Walks downstairs*

Ally: *Hugs Austin*

Austin: *Hugs back*

Ally: Thank you

Austin: *Pulls away* For what

Ally: Everything that you have done for me, and still being with me from all the drama I have caused

Austin: Ally I love you, if I wasn't with you I couldn't be happy

Ally: *Smiles* I love you too my love

Austin: *Smiles**Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away*

(With Ashton & Dallas at the baseball court)

Dallas, Ashton: *Playing basketball*

Ashton: *Makes a basket, wins the game**Sits down at a bench*

Dallas: *Sits next to him* Everything okay?

Ashton: *Looks down* I guess

Dallas: Dude you're my best friend, you're like my brother, I know when something is wrong and when you're lying, so what's up?

Ashton: *Looks at him* I just don't know anymore

Dallas: About?

Ashton: Lilly and I

Dallas: Did something happen between you two

Ashton: No, but it's getting really awkward between us and I don't like her anymore

Dallas: If you don't like her anymore, break up with her

Ashton: I want to, I've been wanting to break up with her for the past 4 months, but I don't want to break her heart

Dallas: *Nods* I get it, explain it nicely and tell her you'll still be friends

Ashton: Yea, I'll figure it out, but I just can't be with her anymore, I don't see a future with her and I want a girl that I can be myself with and I can love and everything

Dallas: *Nods* And you deserve a girl like that

Ashton: Thanks man

-At 11:00 pm-

(With Auslly)

Auslly: *Sitting on Ally's bed, watching The Last Song*

Bay: *Walks in* Hey guys

Auslly: Hi

Bay: I'm going to bed, do you guys need anything before I go to sleep

Auslly: *Shakes their heads*

Austin: No we're good

Bay: Okay, goodnight

Ally: Night, see you in the morning

Bay: *Walks out, goes into her room, gets in bed*

Austin: *Kisses her lips gently 

Ally: *Smiles while kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away* I love you

Ally: *Smiles* I love you more

Austin: *Shakes his head* No

Ally: *Smiles* Yes

Austin: Not true

Ally: It is true

Austin: Nope, not physically possible

Ally: Yes possible 

Austin: No it's no-

Ally: *Smiles, kisses him*

Austin: *Smiles while kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away* 

Austin: We love each other equally

Ally: *Smiles, nod* Yes we do

Auslly: *Lays down*

Austin: *Kisses her cheek* Goodnight love

Ally: *Smiles* Goodnight baby

Austin: *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away*

Ally: *Cuddles with him*

Austin: *Wraps his arms around her*

Auslly: *Falls asleep in each others arms*

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