Chapter 23: He never Changed

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-2 Weeks Later-

(At Ally & Bay's house)

Bay: *Comes downstairs with her suitcase* Are you sure it's okay if I go

Ally: Of course, I'm 18 and I have my friends, Austin, and dad

Bay: Okay, I'll be back from New Hampshire in 3 weeks

Ally: Ok, go have fun with Emmett

Bay: I will *Leaves*

-3 Hours Later-

~Doorbell Rings~

Ally: *Opens it* Hey dad, come in*

Lester: *Walks in closes the door* Where is Bay

Ally: She went to New Hampshire with her boyfriend for a few weeks

Lester: *Smiles* Okay

Ally: *Walks in the kitchen, gets some snacks*

Lester: *Smiles, sits on the couch*

Ally: *Comes in, puts the snacks on the table* So how are you

Lester: Cut the crap

Ally: *Confused* What?

Lester: It's all your fault, it's always been your fault 

Ally: *Confused* What ae you talking about?

Lester: your mother dying has always been your fault, you are a spoiled little brat

Ally: You never changed

Lester: That's right

Ally: *Scared* What are you going to do

Lester: *Graps her wrists really hard and starts slapping and punching her*

-10 Minutes later-

Lester: I'll be coming everyday *Smiles, leaves*

Ally: *On the floor, crying, in pain**Gets up, has bruises all over her, covers them up with make up*

(At Sonic Boom)

Ally: *Walks in, sits down*

Trish: Hey Ally

Ally: *Fake smile* Hey Trish

Austin: Hey Alls *Smiles**Hugs her*

Ally: *In pain* Uhh

Austin: *Pulls away* What's wrong

Ally: Nothing

Austin: Are you sure

Ally: Yea

Austin: Okay, I'll see you later

Ally: Where are you going

Austin: Home

Ally: Ok

Austin: *Kisses her head**Leaves*

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