Chapter 16: Getting jealous

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~Doorbell Rings~

Bay: *Opens it*

Emmett: *Signs* Hey

Bay: *Signs* What are you doing here

Emmett: *Signs* I came to see you

Bay: *Signs* That's sweet but it's almost 11:00

Emmett: *Signs* Right, sorry, I'll just go

Bay: *Signs* No your already here, stay for a while

Emmett: *Signs* Okay *Walks in*

Bemmett: *Sits on the couch*

Emmett: *Signs* I missed you today, what did you do today?

Bay: *Signs* Oh, I was just in my art studio, trying out some new ideas

Emmett: *Signs* Cool

Bay: *Signs* What about you

Emmett: *Signs* I was going around town taking picture of a lot of graffiti art I saw

Bay: *Sgns* Really

Emmett: *Shows her the pictures on his camera*

Bay: *Looks at them**Signs* These are really good

Emmett: *Signs* They really are

Bay: *Smiles at him*

Emmett: *Kisses her*

Bay: *Kisses back*

Emmett: *Pulls away*

-A half hour later-

Emmett: *Signs* I Should go

Bay: *Walks him to the door* I'll see you tomorrow

Bemmett: *Kiss*

Emmett: *Leaves*

Bay: *Goes up to her room and gets in bed*

(The Next Morning)

Ally: *Wakes up, takes a shower and gets dressed, goes downstairs*

Bay: Hey Ally

Ally: Hey Bay *Eats breakfast*

-10 Minutes Later-

Ally: *Finshes her breakfast* Well I'm going to head to Sonic Boom

Bay: Alright, see you later

Ally: Bye *Leaves*

~At Sonic Boom~

Ally: *Walks in, opens the store up**Takes her book out*

Austin: *Comes in, walks behind her, wraps his arms around her waist**Kisses her cheek* Hey babe

Ally: *Turns around* Hey baby *Kisses him*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away* *Hugs him* I had a great time last night

Austin: Me too *Hugs back*

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