Chapter 53: Fighting

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Ashton: *Looks at Lilly* Why did you say that you're happy for her

Lilly: What do you mean, I'm glad she's moving on

Ashton: *Mad* Why

Lilly: Because Ally deserves to be happy

Ashton: She was with Austin and Austin does too

Lilly: He is, he's with Kira

Ashton: He's only with her because he so depressed with out Ally and once they get back he was going to break up with her, he talked to Kira about it

Lilly: That's really stupid 

Ashton: *Mad* So you don't want Austin and Ally to be happy and be together, that's what you're saying

Lilly: No I'm just saying they should have a break

Ashton: They have been for the past 10 months

Lilly: I mean date other people

Ashton: *Mad* No they shouldn't

Lilly: *Angry* Stop fighting with me about this

Ashton: *Mad* Fine I'll leave 

Lilly: Fine *Mad*

Ashton: *Leaves*

(At the basketball court)

Ashton: *Walks in, starts shooting hoops*

-3 Hours later-

Dallas: *Walks in* Ashton

Ashton: *Still shooting hoops* What

Dallas: You alright man

Ashton: Whatever

Dallas: Put the ball down and talk to me

Ashton: *Stops, holds the ball, walks over to him* 

Dallas: What up with you

Ashton: Lilly and I are having a fight

Dallas: About what

Ashton: Austin and Ally

Dallas: *Confused* What do you mean?

Ashton: Ally is Dating Elliot and Lilly is happy about that and she said she needs to move on from Austin

Dallas: *Shocked* Ally's dating Elliot

Ashton: Yea

Dallas: Two months, he's coming back in two months and she couldn't wait

Ashton: That's what I said

Dallas: You'll get through this, she's realize what she said was wrong and come back and apologize 

Ashton: I hope you're right

(At Bay & Ally's house)

Ally, Elliot: *Walks in*

Bay: *Sees them* Hey guys

Ally: Hi Bay

Elliot: Hey

Bay: What's going on

Ally: We just got back from lunch at Pizza Hut

Bay: Cool

Elliot: *Holds Ally hand*

Ally: *Feels weird*

Bay: Are you two dating

Elliot: *Smiles* Yea we are

Ally: *Nods* Yup

Bay: I'm happy for you two

Elliot: Thanks

Ally: *Sits on the couch*

Elliot: *Sits next to him*

Bay: *Walks in the kitchen*

Ally: *Watching TV*

Elliot: *Looking at her**Kisses her*

Ally: *Pulls away* Elliot I'm not ready for that

Elliot: *Confused* Kissing, you're not ready for kissing

Ally: Yea I'm not

Elliot: Whatever

Ally: *Rolls her eyes*

~Doorbell rings~

Ally: *Stands up, walks over to the door**Opens it**Smiles**Signs Hey Emmett

Emmett: *Signs* Hi Ally, is Bay around

Ally: *Signs* Yea *Talks* Bay

Bay: *Walks over to them**Signs* Hey Emmett

Emmett: *Signs* Want to hang out

Bay: *Signs* Sure *To Ally* I'll see you later

Ally: Okay have fun

Bemmett: *Leaves*

Ally: *Closes the door, walks back, sits on the couch*

Elliot: Who was that and why were you signing

Ally: That's Emmett, Bay's boyfriend and he's deaf

Elliot: *Chuckles*

Ally: What's so funny

Elliot: Your sisters hearing and she's dating a deaf guy

Ally: So

Elliot: That would be hard to sign everything you say, especially when you're dating

Ally: Not if you know the language 

Elliot: It's still stupid, if your deaf, date someone deaf

Ally: *Mad* You know how insulting that is right now

Elliot: Who cares

Ally: *Mad* I think you should go

Elliot: No

Ally: This is my house, now go *Angry*

Elliot: *Gets up* Fine 

Ally: *Walks him out* Goodbye *Shuts the door in his face*

Elliot: *Leaves*

Ally: Why, why did I have to start dating him, maybe in two months when Austin got back things could of worked out between us *Cries* I miss Austin

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