A Candle in a Furnace

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I set myself on fire
to keep you warm
Burning waves dancing in the night sky
Charring the stars
that you promised me
Flickering against the moon
that you called beautiful under my name

I flamed - a lone candle
shivering in darkness and wind
as you warmed your hands in my burning mess
You and the night stole my oxygen
taken in wisps from my lungs
until I choked on our shared air

You latched onto me like there was no other life
on this planet, on this earth - just me
and my burning candle
You held onto me
Squeezed the life out of my eyes
as you fooled the soul they hide

As you obsessed
over this little delicacy you'd found
Held on just tight enough to not snap
my fragile bones
My pretty porcelain tears
scar my cheek but not your grief

I set myself aflame
to keep you alive
But go on, take another slice of my heart
Ice it in warmth - little left to lose

You poisoned your name
Injected each syllable, each letter with a smile - sick
Now it seeps from my ear to heart with no antidote
but our venomous memory 

I burned for you

I set myself on fire
for you
And you gave me fake happy
Twisted it into sleepless nights
Shared secrets
and sweet smiles
You Cheshire you liar you fool you cheat you
clown, out of luck
in love
Because it's just a game to you isn't it
Well you've stood your foot in the square of my back
Smothered my flame, scattered into merry dust
So congratulations, well done
I guess you've won

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