Bus stop thoughts

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In the cold streets I stand, by the curb, waiting. Watching
the clouds' tears spatter my bones, the planes of my cheeks -
watered fields sprouting smiling sunflowers
as I stand, damp, mind dusty and still
The simplest of songs playing in my ear,
wondering at the solitude of sound
The wandering leaves scatter a symphony
in their crisp rustle, interrupted only by the thrum
of nearby motors, and crushed only by the turn of tired wheels
set on reprieve, to escape the chill, even as I run, fly, without moving my feet

Only when the wind is silent do the trees whisper
in their broken voices, seldom heard but heard in plenty
by the thoughtful ears - the howling refrain of life.
There are wolves in the trees and they leave no room for sorrow

In this loud hum of silence I find a peace so still,
a moment so gaping, that the air breathes content
And the trees speak of secret joy sung by simple songs
And the leaves live not in fear of falling but in love of flying

Then the bus shuffles into the curb.
And I load myself onto society's soundtrack
while in my ear still sings the soft rhythm of delight

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