What you're feeling, isn't wrong

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Yin leaned against the wall and closed his eyes for a moment when he had closed the door of the interrogation room behind him. He had finally managed to leave the room. Every breath felt heavy, as if he was trapped in an air bubble that was getting tighter and tighter. The intensity of War's gaze, the words he had said, and the undeniable feeling that raged in Yin, were like a wave that sweilled him inexorably.

"You can't run away from it forever."

Wars' words still echoed in Yin's mind. What exactly was it that he ran away from? Running away from War or maybe himself? Before what he already knew deep down, but had never admitted to himself?

He opened his eyes and took a deep breath. The corridor of the police station was empty, but the silence seemed oppressive. His thoughts returned to Mei. She had always been there, an anchor in a sea of chaos and uncertainty. She was the person he was attracted to because she radiated familiarity and constancy. But War was right. With Mei, everything felt safe, almost too safe, like a routine that only took place on the surface, without really going deep.

But War... War was the opposite of safety. He was a mystery, a constant challenge. Yin didn't know how to react to him, and that drove him crazy. But it was also exactly what pulled him back to War again and again - this unpredictability, the deeper layer that Yin could not yet fully understand.

He shook his head as if to free himself from these thoughts, and finally walked down the corridor to his desk. But even as he sat down and tried to focus on his work, he felt War's presence continue to hover over him. It was as if the man was everywhere - in his head, in his heart, and he could not shake him off.


In the evening, when the sun was already disappearing behind the buildings of the city, Yin found himself again in front of the door of the interrogation room. It was as if an invisible bond had been forged between them, which kept pulling him back, even if he tried to gain distance.

He opened the door and entered. War was sitting casually on the chair as before, but this time something was different. His gaze wasn't as mocking as before. Instead, there was a hint of vulnerability that Yin hadn't seen before. It was almost as if War had dropped the mask – if only for a moment.

"Back for another round?" War asked, his voice softer than usual.

Yin hesitantly stepped closer and sat down without saying a word. His eyes searched for War's face, trying to find the truth behind this impenetrable facade. War had shown him how good he was at hiding his feelings. But now, at this moment, Yin saw something real.

"Why did you tell me about Mei?" Yin finally asked, breaking the silence.

War lifted his shoulders slightly, but his gaze did not sway Yins. "Because I knew it. And because I wanted to see how you would react to it."

"And?" Yin asked quietly, his heartbeat racing involuntarily. "How did I react?"

War was smiling weakly, and this time it was not a mocking grin. It was almost sad. "You tried to hide. But you can't hide from your own feelings. Or me."

Yin swallowed, felt his throat dry. It was as if War had control over the conversation, as if he was pulling the invisible strings that held Yin. But instead of fighting back, Yin felt how he slowly but surely lost control - and it felt scary, but at the same time... right.

"It's not that simple," Yin finally said, his voice rough with repressed emotions.

"It's never easy," War replied, leaning slightly. "Feelings make things more and more complicated. But that doesn't mean they're not real."

Yin stared at the table between them, unable to continue to meet War's gaze. He knew that War was telling the truth, and that only made it harder. His thoughts raced - back and forth between Mei, War and his own confused feelings. Mei was important to him, he knew that. But there was something in him that he could no longer ignore, something that War had unleashed in him.

"Why you?" The question came out of Yin's mouth before he could hold it back.

War raised an eyebrow as if he had expected this question. "Maybe because you've finally found someone who understands you - on a level you haven't fully grasped yet."

Yin gritted his teeth. War spoke with a certainty that fascinated and frustrated him at the same time. "You don't know me."

"Oh, but I do," War said quietly, his eyes fixed on Yins. "And you know that too."

Yin stood up abruptly, as if he could no longer stand the tension between them. "I have to go."

War looked after him, but his expression was hard to read. "You can run away, Yin," he said calmly. "But you will always come back to me."

Yin left the room without looking back. But when the door behind him fell into the lock, he knew that War was right. Something had arisen between them that he could no longer ignore, no matter how hard he tried.

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