Heist (3)

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My eyes open slightly. My vision is extremely blurry and my hearing is reduced, everything sounds weird to me.

"Hold on" I can hear someone saying, but can't explain, who this voice belongs to. With my blurred vision, I'm trying to see, who is in front of me, but I can't see clearly. My eyes are closing again, but I'm trying to hear what's going on around me. The only thing I remember is, that someone says that my wound is really bad.

"Hold on, hey, War, stay with me" says a soft voice and brings me back to reality. Soft slaps on my cheek wake me up and I take a deep breath, while my upper body immediately shoots up. My breathing increases and it feels like that I'm having a panic attack. My eyes wander around the place where I am at now. I can see black leather seats and red and blue lights flickering. Full of panic I'm asking where I am.

"You're in my car. Stay calm, I'll help you". My head turns to the left, then to the right, then right to the face of the person, who is talking to me. I clench my eyes and slowly my vision is starting to sharpen. First, I only could see a blurry face, then outlines, and then his full face, it's Officer Yin. His eyes are staring at me and he looks worried.

"What are you doing?" I'm asking. My eyes start to look at my wrists, because I can feel something on them. "Wait, what?" I'm asking, startled. "Why aren't my hands cuffed behind my back? What is going on?"

"I untied you and let your hands rest in front of you. Lay down now, I'll take you to a hospital, don't worry". As soon as he ended his sentence, I can feel a sharp pain in my leg. It hurts so bad. I immediately grab the wound and I hope, that I can stop the pain, but I can't. It hurts way too much and I scream a little bit. The door closes and Yin is getting into the drivers seat. He starts the engine and before he is driving, he looks back to me.

"Are you okay? I mean... stupid question, but... can you hold on and stay strong, please?". My eyes are filling with tears as I now look at him. I only nod, to let him know, that I'll be okay. He now looks straight on the road and is starting to drive me to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, I couldn't help myself, but to let out some hurtful moans.

After a few minutes, I can feel, how my pain increases again and that my vision gets blurry from time to time. Yin checks up on me every now and then. I don't want to sound weak, but my voice is fading more and more, as soon as I answer him. It feels like I'm dying and the pain is unbearable at some point.

"Are you still there?" I can hear him asking me. But now it's impossible to answer him anymore, because I'm giving in. The pain is too much. The only thing I notice now, is, how my body slowly falls onto my left side, into the car seats. My eyes are closing now.

"Hey!" is the only thing I can notice, before I loose my conciusness, completely.


*beep. beep. beep.*
I wake up to beeping, in a steady sound. I'm blinking several times, but my vision is still not good. Where am I? What happened? My body feels sore and weak. My head goes up and I try to see, where I am. But it's impossible to say, where I am.

After a short time I can feel something holding onto my left hand. Something warm. I look at my hand and I can see someone holding my hand, the head is lying onto my left leg. But who is it?

I slowly move my leg, it seems, that the person is sleeping on it.
"Hey, you, wake up" I whisper, while moving my leg. But I don't get a response. I repeat my words a few times, but still, no answer. It's way too exhausting for me to move, so I stop moving and give up. After it, I decide to lay my head back into the pillow and to get some rest. Everything in my body hurts and my eyes close, with every beep, I can hear.

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