Let's begin to play some Chess

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The night passed unexpectedly quick. Yin lay awake in his bed, the blanket pulled over him, but his mind kept circled around the interrogation. War's words sounded in his head as if they had been imprinted there. The way War had smiled right in his face, even though he knew that all the evidence was against him. The peace, the self-confidence - it was almost as if War knew that Yin could not harm him.

The next morning, Yin entered the police station with the determination to get clear answers today. He was not allowed to be swayed by War's charm. This time he would keep the upper hand.

"Is he awake yet?" Yin asked one of the guards as he walked past his desk.

"For hours," replied the guard. "He didn't sleep , at all, tonight."

That didn't surprise Yin. War was a man who obviously always had a plan. Insomnia was probably part of his daily life. Yin took a deep breath before making his way to the interrogation room.

When he opened the door, he saw War already sitting there, his legs casually folded over each other, as if he were visiting this place. The charming grin was still there, but something in his eyes had changed – a new sharpness, a new interest.

"Good morning, Officer," War greeted him. "I hope you slept well."

Yin ignored the remark and sat down opposite him. "Let's get down to business without detours," he began. "Who wants you to be here?"

War rested his head on one hand and looked at Yin with his head tilted. "Do you believe me now?"

"I don't know if I believe you," Yin admitted. "But I want to find out what you're hiding."

War smiled and leaned back again. "A man who seeks the truth. I like that."

Yin didn't want to play. "Just answer."

War let a while pass, as if he was choosing his words carefully. "There is someone," he finally said. "Someone who wants me out of the way. But that doesn't mean I'm innocent, you know? Sometimes you have to play a game to survive. And in this game I'm just a Pawn."

Yin frowned. "A Pawn? You are much more than that. You're the main suspect in a murder case."

War shaking his head and laughed softly. "If I'm the main suspect, it's only because someone wants you to believe that."

"Who?" Yin asked directly. "Who's behind it?"

War shrugging his shoulders. "That's the question, isn't it? You won't figure out who it is if you lock me up here."

Yin took a deep breath. "And why should I believe you?"

"You don't have to believe me," said War calmly. "But if you don't, you'll never know the truth. And you won't get rid of me either."

Yin felt the tension in the air increase again. It was as if every word that was spoke would tie an invisible thread between them, which became more and more dense and impenetrable. Yin felt that he was being drawn into a game that was much bigger than he initially thought.

War leaned forward, his eyes piercing in Yins. "You know I'm right, right?"

Yin said nothing, but an uncomfortable feeling grew inside him. War seemed to know more than he revealed, and although Yin felt he was on the right track, he was still missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. The game of cat and mouse that developed between them was more than just an interrogation. It was a dance for the truth, in which War always seemed to take the lead.

"You know more than you say," Yin finally replied, his voice tense but controlled.

War just smiling, as if he had just been confirmed with what he knew all along. "Maybe. But the question is, Officer, are you ready to see the truth?"

Yin didn't want to go into this game, but War's words echoed deeply in him. What if it really was as War claimed? What if the evidence had been manipulated to mislead him? But even if that were true, who could be behind it, and why? And more importantly, why did War know about it and still played in?

"Why should I trust you?" Yin leaned forward, his eyes firmly focussed on War. "Everything about you screams that you're hiding something. You're enjoying this too much."

War laughed softly, but this time the mocking grin was missing. "Maybe it's because we both have more in common than you think. And maybe because you'll soon realise you're not the only player on this chess board."

Yin took a deep breath, his thoughts racing. He had to be careful – in this game, a wrong move could cost anything. But one thing was now clear to him: War was not an easy suspect. This was more than just a murder case, and Yin would have to dig deeper to find out what was really being played.

"We're far from finished," Yin said with determination in his voice.

War looked at him, his smile mysterious and yet challenging. "I hope so."

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