Why me?

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In the next few days, Yin went to work as if nothing had happened, but it was impossible to push the thoughts of War aside. Again and again he found himself, how his thoughts returned to the man, to the conversations, to the intense looks that they had shared. Mei was always close to him, but he could feel the distance between them - a distance he had never noticed before.

War had opened a crack in him that he could no longer close. And deep down, he knew it was only a matter of time before he would go back into the interrogation room - until he had to be close to War again to figure out what this indefinable something between them really meant.

Because as much as Yin wanted to deny it, the truth was clear: he could not forget War.

Yin had hoped that the distance between them would ease the thoughts of him, but it was exactly the opposite. Every day he spent at the police station, every file he flipped through, and every conversation with Mei – everything felt strangely empty. He couldn't concentrate, was restless and distracted. The work, which had otherwise been his refuge, seemed to offer him nothing to calm the inner tornness.

And then there was Mei. She had always been the constant in his life, the person he could return to. But now that War had entered his life, the relationship with her also felt more complicated. He had previously believed that their time together would be enough to stabilize his feelings, to fill the void. But now, with Wars' unspoken presence, it felt like he was missing something crucial.

Mei noticed his unease, but she didn't ask any questions. Maybe she already had enough experience with him to know that Yin often struggled with his feelings without addressing them directly. Or maybe she didn't want to get into something she didn't understand.

But Yin could no longer fool himself that everything could go on as before. War was not just a suspect. He was a mystery, a challenge - and even worse, he had touched something in Yin that no one had ever achieved before.

One evening, when dusk fell over the city and the streets were dipped into an orange glow, Yin was again at the door of the interrogation room. He didn't even know why he came back here. Maybe because he needed answers. Maybe because he wanted to clear something that had been robbing him of sleep for days. Or maybe because he just couldn't help it.

He took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped in.

War sat there quietly as always, but when he heard Yin's footsteps, he raised his head and looked at him with a look that immediately threw Yin out of balance. It was that unfathomable look that War always gave him - a look that said too much and yet too little at the same time.

"Back, Officer?" War asked, and his tone of tone was different this time – less provocative, almost gentle.

Yin closed the door behind him and sat down in front of him. For a moment none of them said anything, but the tension in the room was almost palpable.

"Why are you doing this?" Yin finally asked, his voice softly but tense.

War tilted his head slightly. "What exactly do you mean?"

"All of this. These hints, this... Game. It feels like you're constantly trying to manipulate me."

War was smiling, but it was not a cold smile as usual. "I'm not manipulating you. I'll just show you what you already know."

"And what is that supposed to be?" Yin's voice trembled, and he could no longer suppress the rising frustration. "What do you think I know?"

War leaned back and looked at him silently. Then he spoke with a calm that almost frightened voice: "You know that there is more between us than just what is written here on paper. You feel it the same as I do."

Yin opened his mouth to disagree, but the words got stuck in his throat. It was as if War had pulled the ground from under his feet, as if he had spoken a truth that Yin himself could not yet fully grasp. And yet... there was that feeling that had never let go of him in the last few weeks. It was more than just fascination, more than curiosity.

War looked deeply into his eyes, and Yin's heart began to beat faster. "You can deny it as much as you want, but you will always come back to me. Because you can't be without me anymore and I can't be without you."

The words hit Yin like a blow. His head was buzzing, his heart was racing. He wanted to protest, wanted to regain control that War had so effortlessly taken away from him. But at that moment he couldn't say anything. All he could do was return War's gaze—that intense, penetrating gaze that captured him in a way no one had ever managed to do before.

"Why me?" Yin finally whispered, his voice brittle. "Why are you doing this to me?"

War held his gaze, and in his eyes there was no trace of ridicule or deception. "Because I see something in you that you haven't recognized yet. And because I know you feel the same way."

Yin felt his whole body tense. The words confused everything in him. He could no longer ignore it - this attraction, this deep, unspoken desire that drew him to War again and again. It was more than just professional curiosity.

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