Hyunjin x Jalin

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You settled into the cozy Two Kids Room, the air filled with a mix of excitement and comfortable energy. Hyunjin was already lounging on the couch, a playful grin plastered on his face as he glanced your way.

"Hey, what took you so long?" he asked, mock pouting. "I thought you'd gotten lost on the way here!"

You laughed, shaking your head. "I had to make sure I didn't trip over anything on my way. You know how chaotic this place can get!"

"True, true," he said, chuckling. "But we need to keep it tidy if we're going to hang out in style. Otherwise, it's just a mess of snacks and pillows."

"Speaking of snacks," you began, plopping down on the couch next to him, "I brought some random candy. Want to try?"

Hyunjin perked up, eyes sparkling with interest. "Ooh, you know I can't resist candy! What do you have?"

You pulled out a colorful bag of assorted sweets. "Just some weird flavors I found at the store. There's watermelon, spicy mango, and... uhm, pickle-flavored ones."

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Pickle-flavored? Seriously? Who thought that was a good idea?"

"Apparently, someone really loves pickles," you replied, laughing. "I just couldn't resist trying them!"

"Alright, let's see how brave you really are," he said, reaching for the pickle candy. "If it's awful, I'm blaming you!"

You grinned as he popped one in his mouth, watching his expression closely. "So? What's the verdict?"

He chewed slowly, his face contorting comically. "Ugh! It tastes like... like I'm licking a jar of pickles! How is this even a thing?"

You burst out laughing, clutching your stomach. "I told you! It's a culinary masterpiece!"

"Yeah, a masterpiece of regret!" he replied, trying to shake off the taste with a gulp of water. "Let's stick to the watermelon and spicy mango from now on."

"Good call," you said, offering him the other candies. "But you have to admit it was worth trying for the reaction alone!"

"Fair enough," he conceded, laughing along with you. "Next time, I'll choose the snacks. I have a feeling I can come up with something even crazier!"

"Oh, I can't wait to see what that looks like!" you teased, nudging him playfully.

With the candy tasting behind you, the conversation shifted to other topics. Hyunjin leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "You know, I've always wondered... if you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

You tilted your head, pondering the question. "Probably the ability to teleport. Just imagine: I could pop anywhere in an instant! No more boring travel time."

"Nice choice! Just think of all the places you could teleport to in one day," he replied, grinning. "But you know what would happen? You'd teleport into a wall at least once!"

You burst into laughter at the thought. "True! I'd need to be careful. Maybe I should have a backup power, like the ability to always have a pillow handy to cushion my fall!"

"Now that's smart thinking!" he said, nodding appreciatively. "But if you can't teleport back in time to avoid crashing into a wall, what's the point?"

"Good point," you admitted, chuckling. "I guess I'd have to practice first. You'd be my teleportation coach!"

"Count me in! I'll charge you in candy, though," he joked, winking.

You smirked, already planning your next candy haul. "Deal! Just don't ask for any pickle-flavored ones."

"Absolutely not!" he exclaimed, shaking his head dramatically. "I've had my fill for a lifetime."

As the conversation flowed, you found yourselves slipping into an easy rhythm, bouncing ideas and jokes back and forth. At one point, you brought up a funny incident from practice. "Remember that time when you were trying to impress everyone with your dance moves and totally tripped?"

Hyunjin groaned, dramatically hiding his face in his hands. "Ugh, don't remind me! The whole room went silent, and then everyone just burst out laughing!"

You chuckled, leaning in closer. "It was hilarious! You recovered so quickly, though. Like a true pro!"

He peeked out from behind his hands, a sheepish grin on his face. "Yeah, well, it was either that or faceplant completely. I chose to save my dignity... sort of."

"Sort of is better than nothing!" you teased. "And let's be real, that moment only made you cooler in a funny way."

"Cooler, huh?" he said, mockingly contemplating. "Guess I need to trip more often, then."

"Definitely! It's all about the art of falling gracefully!" you laughed.

Hyunjin nodded, a playful glint in his eyes. "Alright, new challenge: we need to come up with the most ridiculous dance move and see who can pull it off without tripping!"

You felt a burst of excitement. "I'm totally down! But fair warning: my ridiculous dance moves are next-level embarrassing."

"Bring it on! I'm ready to see the legendary dance of awkwardness," he said.

As you both began brainstorming silly dance moves, the laughter flowed freely. The Two Kids Room transformed into a stage for your own private dance-off, filled with goofy steps and exaggerated poses.

After a while, you collapsed onto the couch, breathless from laughing. "Okay, okay, we should probably stop before we attract unwanted attention."

"Too late! We're definitely the loudest ones in this room," he said, smirking. "But who cares? This is way too fun!"

You smiled, the connection between you two feeling stronger than ever. "You're right. I wouldn't want to spend this time with anyone else."

Hyunjin met your gaze, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Same here. It's always a good time with you. Just promise me one thing: no more pickle candy next time."

"Promise! But only if you bring the best snacks!" you countered.

"Deal!" he agreed, extending a hand for a shake.

As you sealed the deal, the Two Kids Room felt like your own little world, filled with laughter, joy, and a friendship that made every moment memorable.

(word count 955)

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