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You were lounging in the common area, scrolling through your phone and laughing at a funny video when you caught sight of Jeongin, Hyunjin, Changbin and Lee Know talking but you ignored it. He leaned over to Hyunjin, Lee Know, and Changbin, whispering his plan with a mischievous grin. You had no idea that you were the target of his antics.

He strutted over to you, putting on an exaggerated look of confusion. "Uh, Jalin? Where are you?"

You raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was up to. "Um, I'm right here, Jeongin," you replied, waving a hand in front of his face.

But Jeongin merely shook his head, feigning panic. "No, seriously. I can't see Jalin anywhere." He turned back to the others, pretending to search the room with exaggerated movements. "Guys! Have you seen her?"

Hyunjin snickered, leaning against the wall. "I think she's disappeared, man. Like a ghost!"

Lee Know jumped in with a dramatic gasp. "Oh no, not Jalin! What if she haunts us?"

Changbin, struggling to keep a straight face, added, "We need to do a séance to bring her back!"

You rolled your eyes, realizing you were the butt of their joke, but you decided to play along. "You guys are ridiculous! I'm literally sitting right here!" you exclaimed, puffing out your cheeks in frustration.

But they continued to ignore you, looking around the room as if you were invisible. As the hours went by, the prank grew more elaborate. Whenever you tried to talk, they would act like they could only hear a faint whisper. At one point, you even grabbed a pillow and tossed it at Jeongin, but he dodged it expertly, laughing as he turned to the others. "See? She's throwing things! Classic ghost behavior!"

Hyunjin chimed in, clutching his chest dramatically. "Oh no, we've angered the ghost! Quick, someone get a holy water bottle!"

You were growing more frustrated by the minute, trying everything to get their attention. You jumped up and down, waved your arms, and even pulled out your best dramatic gestures, but nothing worked. They were relentless, growing concern for your "disappearance" while laughing and whispering among themselves.

"Did you hear that? I think I felt a chill," Lee Know said, pretending to shiver. "Maybe she's here, watching us!"

You threw your hands in the air. "I'm not ghost! I'm right here!"

The more they teased you, the more your irritation simmered beneath the surface. They kept this act going for what felt like an eternity, even as the afternoon turned into evening. You tried to keep your cool, but every time you tried to get through to them, they would just laugh it off, turning your annoyance into a playful game.

After what felt like an eternity, you decided you had enough. You stormed off to your room, the laughter of your so-called friends echoing behind you. Once inside, you flopped onto your bed and buried your face in your pillows, tears of frustration pricking at the corners of your eyes.

Jeongin, who had been keeping track of your whereabouts, peeked into your room. He found you curled up under the covers, the laughter gone from your face. His expression shifted from playful to concerned.

"Hey, Jalin?" he said softly, stepping inside. "We were just kidding..."

You pulled the covers tighter around yourself, muffling your response. "Go away," you whimpered, trying to hide your hurt feelings.

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