Chapter 11 : The Place That Time Forgot

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Arzen could still sense the faint warmth lingering behind him, unmoving, too close for comfort. His fingers clenched around the page, his grip so tight that pain shot through his still-wounded left palm—the same one Raizel had forced him to treat the day before.

'What the hell is he still doing there?'

Arzen's mind raced with every possibility. Was Carsel just standing there, waiting for him to change his mind? Was he still hoping for help? Or worse—had he seen something yesterday?

Arzen's breaths grew shorter as time seemed to slow unnaturally. His chest tightened with unease, and he resisted the urge to glance back. His thoughts swirled, trapped between curiosity and fear. Drawing a deep breath, he gathered what little courage he had left. He needed to know.

As he slowly turned his head, his movements stiff and deliberate, Arzen caught a glimpse of Carsel walking away. He exhaled sharply, realizing too late that he'd been holding his breath. Relief washed over him, but the last thing he wanted was to linger, unsure whether Carsel might return. Hastily, he tidied up the books he had just taken out, his hands moving with quick, jerky motions. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he headed toward the door, not daring to look back, fearing the sight of Carsel's angelic smile.

But upon reaching it, Arzen hesitated for a bit. Carsel was inside, and Hanjun... What if he was still outside?

He cursed under his breath, feeling like the world was playing tricks on him. Bracing himself, he walked cautiously but quickly, glancing left and right as he hurried through the hallways, half-expecting either Carsel or Hanjun to appear around a corner. But by the time he reached the classroom hallway, neither of them had shown up.

Arzen spent the rest of the day wandering aimlessly. Now that Hanjun had discovered this world's Arzen's usual hiding spots, he would have to find a new place to escape. He walked through familiar yet unfamiliar corridors, gardens, and other places from this world's Arzen's memories, noting the similarities and differences between the two worlds.

Back in his world, he had a place to be alone outside his dorm room: a small clearing behind the gym building. The space was cramped, with a few broken chairs and leftover gym equipment piled in a corner. He didn't expect to find something similar here in this grand, wealthier school.

Yet, when he rounded the corner of the gym building, there it was.

The solace of his world.

The place was identical—down to the stack of chairs and the scattered, broken gym equipment. An old racket with a frayed handle, deflated basketballs, and a rusted dumbbell lay in the corner. Arzen stood frozen, disbelief creeping over him. How could this place, an exact piece of his world, exist here? Everything else in this strange new world was a confusing blend of reality and unfamiliarity, yet this space remained untouched, as though it had been pulled directly from his past.

Not a single thing was out of place.

Arzen felt a flicker of hope, though he didn't understand why. Maybe it meant he wasn't fully absorbed into this world after all.

He reached out, his fingers brushing the dusty surface of the top chair before pulling it down and placing it on the ground. He positioned it with its back against the gym building and sat down, closing his eyes. For the first time in what felt like ages, he was alone in a familiar place. Here, he could let go of everything—stop thinking, stop pretending. Just exist.

Arzen didn't know why this place remained the same when everything else had changed, but he was glad it had. More than that, he felt hope, as if this piece of his world suggested other fragments of his old life were hidden here too.

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