Chapter 47

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Zerberus POV

She hit me in the chest, the sound like that of a drum the slaves played.

"It wasn't me," I repeated for the third time. Repeating myself was something I had never done before meeting her.


"Not that I owe you an explanation," I huffed impatiently, "but it was my cousin you saw in the harem."

Odette burst into laughter, sounding mad, lunatic. Perhaps she was. Just what I needed, a crazy mate.

I puffed out smoke from my mouth.

"Why are you rolling your eyes now?" she squawked, swatting the smoke away.

"Because I think you're insane," I responded with utmost sincerity.

She gasped and hit me again, with those tiny things she got as hands. When blood dripped from my fingers, I knew she had scratched herself.

"Oh, Two Mothers," I looked to the sky, "why? Why her?" I asked those two goddesses who had cursed all of us cold-blooded creatures with hearts that beat, babbled... and were batshit crazy.

My question went unanswered of course, as the Two Mothers had been in hiding for millennia. I would too if I had the entire beast kingdom hunting them like prey.

"All the girls have blue pubic hair in the harem! Like you! Like your fire!"

I blinked down at her. "So?"

"So?! So!" She yelled, slapping me again, this time with both hands right on my chest plates, "Obviously, they are connected to you! You paint their pubic hairs with your, um, fire! Or whatever."

"You are getting repetitive and more annoying than usual, rat."

I wasn't certain what happened here. She was calm after I pretended I was going to eat her whole before I fucked her. After I washed her, fucked her twice more, she turned crazy and screechy again.

"I cannot feel attraction for any other holes, warm or cold, even if I wanted to. Trust me, your jealousy is as unnecessary as everything else you do. Except when you let me fuck you," I grabbed her chin with one hand, noticing how soft her skin was, my black nails a stark contrast against her alabaster complexion. I liked that. I liked her softness.

I rubbed my thumb on her cheek and kissed her quickly. If she had bitten me, she would have hurt her own lip, and consequently mine. Fortunately, she didn't try to bite me.

It would be a waste of blood. And I never wasted food.

"Are you saying you don't like me?!" The thing asked me.

How did she get to that conclusion? "No, but since you asked... I often dislike what comes from your mouth."

"Ugh! I'd pull my hair out if I had any! But I don't, and you know why?!"

"I don't care to know." Not that it mattered to me if she was half-bald; I found her beautiful all the same—not by choice.

Then my cousin, the cause of all my problems that day, appeared.

"Pleasure to meet you, My Lady." He bowed and took her hand. My jaw clenched as I spat fire on his disgusting hand over hers. She squealed, jumping back, and he laughed.

"Don't be rude, Zerberus!" Odette scowled at me, tilting her head to stare up at my cousin.

The audacity of this mouse to look at my cousin. I grabbed her chin and shoved it down.

"Oh. Yeah, you do look similar. You're more handsome than my mate." She said, swatting my hand away.

They both laughed. My scowl deepened.

"I forgive you," she beamed at me.

I blinked. She...what?

"Why do you have a scar on your butt?" Odette asked him.

He burst into a loud, irritating laugh. Annoyance washed over me.

"Yes, a she-dragon who didn't like me much gave it to me." His face darkened.


"She-dragons. But they aren't our mates. They still do exist." My cousin explained as he grabbed some raw meat from my desk.

"Their mates are humans."

"Does she have hers? Is that why she left you?" Odette, like all humans, loved gossip.

"Who says she left me?"

"You. You're still angry about it."

"After six hundred years," I added, grabbing my mate's hand and kissing her fingertips. The scratches were still there, as was the deep one on her wrist.

I sighed, our eyes met. Something inside me melted. It was my lava. I wanted to immerse myself in her, drown in her, be completely enveloped by her.

My special and infuriatingly beautiful rat.

"If you want to produce baby dragons, tell me, so I can fly somewhere else," my fool of a cousin said.

She blushed, and I stared at her, smirking.

"Good idea." I growled and lifted her in my arms.With my cousin laughing and making his escape, I made love to her again.

With my cousin laughing and making his escape, I made love to her again. This time, I placed her on top and ordered her to ride me like a she-dragon did in the days when mates didn't exist. Not that I missed those times when everyone bedded anyone and new dragonlings were born from everyone's eggs.

I had a few scattered, older by centuries than my mate.

Not that I needed to tell her.

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