Belphgor NSFW Alphabet

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Alphabet A - Aftercare (what is he like after sex) 

Clinging onto you like a koala. He pretends to not be as needy as he is but would practically refuse to let you go. 

B - Body part (his favorite body part, as well as his partner's body part) 

Ass man. He's a menace, would shamelessly full grab you or smack it if no one is looking. Big or small he doesn't care. To him, ass is ass. 

C - Cum (mostly anything to do with cum) 

Would love to fill you to the brim, for multiple reasons. All he has to do for clean up that way is get a tissue and keep it at the entrance. That and he's a cocky little guy, would see it as him claiming you in someway. 

D - Dirty secret (his dirty secret) 

Would not mind being edged, topped or pegged. Less work for him with all the pleasure. Would never admit it, probably would be the biggest brat to exist if you did but gosh he'd enjoy ever second.

 E - Experience (how experienced is he? Does he know what he's doing?)

 Very little if any, until you he's never really had the energy to. Sure it's feels nice and all but doesn't feel the need to until you come along. 

F - Favorite position (his favorite pose) 

Cowgirl. Less work for him, and he gets a little show out of it all. 

G - Goofy (is he serious? humorous? etc..)

 Humorous as hell. Teasing or cracking jokes the whole time usually. He has his moments of being romantic or serious but only if he hasn't really seen you much for a while or he missed you. 

H - Hair (how well groomed is it?)

 Unruly, basically no care down there. He's shamelessly lazy, so unless you ask he isn't doing anything down there. If you ask he'll take better care of it, but you'd have to ask.

 I - Intimacy (how romantic is he?) 

Has his moments but tends to be bratty and teasing. If you needed more romance he could turn up the dial but his normal it to tease the ever loving hell out of you. 

J - Jack off (masturbation)

 If he's hard and it won't go away he'll do it but not often. Only if it's getting really painful.

 K - Kink (one or more of his kinks/fetishes) 

Somnophilia and slight Masochism, on his own end. Would love to wake up to you doing something to him, biting him or giving him oral. Would adore it if he woke up to you bouncing on him. He's aware of everything while he's asleep so he might just stay asleep until he's came if you ever do that, just to wake up and keep going to shock you a little.

 L - Location (favorite places)

 In the attic, no one really goes up there but him so he can just have you all to himself for a long while. Not that he won't try to make you loud enough to be heard by everyone in the house to prove a point but it's not like anybody would march upstairs to take you away from him at that point.

 M - Motivation (what turns him on) 

When the two of you are cuddling sometimes, feeling you against him like that can rial him up a little.

 N - No (what he wouldn't do) 

Anything that could hurt you again. He's hurt you once and he refuses to do anything to hurt you again. Choking? No. Hitting? Hell no. Holding you down? Good luck with that. Every time he even thinks of it he can only see in his mind that terrible night, and now he loves you fair to much to ever even THINK of it.

O - Oral (prefers to give or receive?) 

Receive. Loves the lack of work on his end and how you look when you give him oral. 

P - Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual?)

 Normally slow but rough when he's on top, he's lazy and doesn't tend to speed up unless you ask. Even if you do he'll be a little bratty about it before he does, teasing you the whole time. 

Q - Quickie (does he like fast sex)

 He loves it. Though he wishes he could have you like that longer adores being about to have you every chance he has. 

R - Risk (does he like experiments/risks) 

He's more then okay with people hearing/seeing what he does to you. To him it proves that you're all his.

S - Stamina (for how many rounds it is enough)

 If he's the one moving? One maybe two if you're lucky. If you're the one on top? As long as you don't mind him doing absolutely nothing you can do whatever you want for as long as you want.

 T - Toys (does he have toys? does he use them?) 

Doesn't own any, never seen the need to. He doesn't have a lot of energy so why waste if doing something like that? That is until you come along. He knows he's lazy, lazy as hell so if that's what it takes to help you get off you'll definitely notice him gaining a collection. 

U - Unfair (does he like to tease)

 To hell and back. All with a smirk on his face the whole time.

 V - Volume (how loud it is, what sounds it makes, etc.) 

Depends, if he's on top he tends to be more quiet. Heavy breathing and maybe a whimper if he's close. If he's on the bottom? Good luck to your hearing after the fact, might end up with your ears ringing. 

W - Wild card (random headcannon)

 If you ever suggest him choking you in the bedroom he'll just sit there shocked for a few seconds before refusing. Bro already did that once to you and would rather not 

Y - Yearning (his sexual attraction)

 Average, not high and through the roof but definitely there. 

Z - Zzz (how quickly he then falls asleep)

 The second you two are clean enough he's out like a light. Cuddling you in his arms. He's prefer to hold you while you're both naked but will stay awake long enough to put clothes on after if you'd rather be clothed.

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