Chapter 5

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I let out a high-pitched squeal, running back into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut on my boyfriend, my heart pounding furiously in my chest.

                My breathing was unsteadied as I blinked taking in the situation.

                How did Josh get into my house?

                Better yet, why was he standing outside of the bathroom door while I showered?

                I shook my head, tightening the towel that was wrapped around my body before turning around. I curled my fingers around the moist door knob, hesitating before opening the door. Josh stood there, his expression just as before.

                His eyebrows were pulled down, creating a small crease in the skin between. His lips tilted ever so slightly towards the ground, all joy free from his face. His arms were crossed, over his puffed out chest, feet planted firmly on the ground.

                I bit my lip, adjusting the towel. His eyes slowly moved down my wet body. I fidget slightly as his obvious gaze, trying to convince myself it was ok. He was my boyfriend. The lack of clothing made it a little bit more uncomfortable, though.

                “Josh?” I asked softly.

                He grunted, hesitating before moving his eyes back to my own. I held his for a moment before I spoke again.

                “I—I’m going to change real quick.” I pushed past him, moving down the hall. I had just closed the door when Josh turned to move to follow.

                I made my change quick, slipping on a pair of sweats. I had the towel draped over my shoulders, falling in front of my breasts to cover. Mild self consciousness caused me to be insecure even while I was alone in my room.

                I grabbed a red bra from my drawer, hooking it on in the back. As I searched for a shirt to match the dark green sweats, I rung my hair out with the tower.

                The door opened.

                I let out a shriek, dropping the towel. I grabbed the shirt that had been lying on my bed, clutching it to my chest protectively.

                Josh stood before me, his head cocked to the side in confusion.

                I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing in my position, “Sorry, Josh, I just….” I shook my head, unsure how to finish that.

                I just what?

                The only two people that would ever be in my house were my mother and Josh. So why did I let out a scream?

                He chuckled, taking a step closer. Josh closed the door behind him, leaning his back against it. I noticed how his eyes had strayed to my chest. I clutched the shirt tighter to me, still having not put it on yet.

                “Baby, I’m sorry for scaring you.” He cooed.

                I shook my head, smiling softly, “It’s fine. I’ve just been a little jumpy lately. I’m not entirely sure why though.”

                Josh took a step closer, “So… since I’ve got you here… half dressed….”

                I shook my head, sighing with mild annoyance, “No.”

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