Chapter 10

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"Terry, oh Gosh Terry.  You're so tight!"  Josh moaned as he thrusted back into me.

"Stop it!"  I sobbed.

But he just kept going.

How could this happen again?

"Terry!"  I looked up and saw Pride.  "How could you do this to me?"  I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Pride, help me!"  But he left.

I sat stright up in my bed, my eyes wide and I looked wildly around the room.  I could feel where my sweat had drenched my shirt.

Putting my hand on my heart, I tried to calm myself.  It was just a dream.  You won't let Josh rape you again.  After my heart was done beating 1,000 beats a minute, I put the battery back in my phone and called Pride.  It was the only thing I could think of doing. 

"Hello?"  His groggy voice answered. 

"Pride?  It's me, Terry..."  My voice quivered. 

"Terry?  Do you know what time it is?" 

"No idea...  You know how you told me to call?  As a friend?" 

"Terry!  It's 3:30!"  He groaned.

I didn't say anything for a minute.  "Well, alright then, if you want me to go."  My voice broke. 

"No, it's okay."  He sounded alarmed.  "Are you okay?  Is it Josh?  What's wrong?" 

"I just had a really bad dream..." 

"Do you wanna talk about it?"  He questioned.


He sighed.  "Then why'd you call me?"

"Honestly?"  He made a noise.  "It was the only thing I could think of doing."  There was silence on the other end of the line.  "Pride?" 


"Will you like, tell me something to make me fall asleep?"

Once again, there was silence. 

"Look, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just..."

"No, I will."  He waited a minute before talking again.  "I'll tell you a bed time story my mom used to tell me."

"Okay."  I got comfortable, and then told him to go on. 

"Okay.  Once upon a time, the was a little boy, and his family was so poor, they couldn't afford food.  So one day, the little boy decides to make money for his family by helping the richest man in the village.  The little boy does all of that hard work for the man, sweeping, mopping, feeding the barn animals, and then once he was done, the rich man didn't pay him, and told him to get off of his property.  The little boy was devistated.  And I don't remember what happens next.  Sorry."  He laughed.

"The little boy steals the bread."  I informed him. 

"How did you know that?"  I could hear the surprise in his voice. 

"My dad used to tell me this story before he left."

"What? No...  Whatever.  Well, then the little boy sees a market.  There are two loaves of bread sitting on a box at the market.  No one was watching, so the little boy steals the bread and runs home.  Little did the boy know, the police were chasing him.  Right before the little boy gets to run into his house and show his family the food, the police had caught up.  Then,  fairy appeared.  It gave the little boy a choice: His family get all of the food they'll ever need and he gets caught and go to jail, or He doesn't get caught, and his family has to find food on the streets.  the little boy chooses the first one because family is more important than being free."

"Hmm.  I remember that story a lot more interesting."  I teased him.  He laughed.  "So, why were you so surprised when I told you my dad told me that story before he left?"

"Because, well, my mom made that story up when I was four.  It was the only thing that helped me go to sleep."


What's your dads name?" 

"Clark Phillips." I told him.

There was silence on the other end.

"What's wrong Pride?" 

"N-nothing.  Just tired."

"Oh. Well, you can go.  I'll just try to sleep."

"Um, no.  I have an idea."  I heard rustling, and then he was on the phone again.  "This might make you fall asleep."  Music came on, through the phone. I didn't recognize the song.

"What is it?" 

"Three little birds by Bob Marley.  He always calms me down, so I thought it might be the same for you."

After a couple more songs by the same guy, I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up, and the music was still playing.  I hung up the phone, took the battery out, and set it on my nightstand.  Then I got out my clothes and got ready for school.  It was almost the exact clothes that I wore the day before; The baggy old Kansas City Cheifs hoddie and a pair of sweat pants.

I walked to school, which was almost five miles, and immediantly went insides.  People tried to talk to me, since I was popular because of Josh, but I just ignored them and started walking faster.  I was about to step foot into my first class, when someone grabbed me by the arm.  I squealed, turned my head, and saw Haeden.  His best friend was Josh, even though Josh only used him.  Haeden was like Josh's own personal lapdog.  He did everything and anything for him. It was annoying. 

"What do you want Haeden?"  I snapped.

"Josh wants to talk to you."

"I don't...  I can't..."  My voice cracked, and a tear escaped from my eyes.  I looked up into Haeden's eyes, and he frowned.  "I'm scared."  

"Why... Never mind.  Um...  If you want, I can tell Josh that you were already in class, and your teacher was bitching at me to get out."  He whispered, and let go of my arm. I was shocked by his generosity. 

"I... Yes, please.  Please do that."

"Okay, I will."  He smiled at me, and then walked down the hall.  I went into my class and sat down.

I blinked, and suddenly, I was against that wall again, and Josh was raping me.  I was telling him to stop.  I turned my head, and everybody in the school was watching, laughing.  I was sobbing.  And then I felt something sharp go through my skin, right into my stomach.  I gasped, looking down.  There, on the floor in front of me, I saw Pride.  He was holding onto a knife that was sticking out of my tummy.   Then, I started screaming on the top of my lungs as my peers all laughed at me.

"Terry! Terry Phillips!  Wake up!"   I sat straight up in my seat.  

My teacher was standing in front of me, and my classmates were giving me weird looks and laughing at me.  I stood up, grabbed my bag, and ran out of the classroom, sobbing.   

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