Chapter 6

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I had stayed in my room all week, not going to school, not doing anything at all.  I didn't even answer my phone to anybody.  Josh had called an unimaginable amount of times, as did Pride.  Josh texted me a bunch, acting as if nothing had happened. 

How could he do that, damn it?!  He raped me, and he doesn't even care! 

Sunday morning, Mom came into my room.  "Terry.  You've been sick all week."  She handed me a thermometer.  "If you don't have a temperature, you're going to school tomorrow." 

I sighed.  Might as well pick out my clothes for school now.  I reluctantly put it into my mouth, under my tongue. 

After a few minutes, Mom took it out of my mouth and examined it.  "97.  Guess who's going to school tomorrow?" 

And then she walked out of my room.

Getting up, I slammed the door shut and wiped my eyes.  I collapsed onto the bed and sobbed into my pillow.  How would I deal with seeing Josh? 

The next morning, I woke up from the smell of bacon.  I slowly walked down the stairs and saw Mom frying bacon. 

"Mom...  I threw up in the toilet."  I lied.  She looked at me and rolled her eyes.  "I'm not lying!  Do you want to see it?"  She laughed.

"I'll be up there in a minute."  I fast walked up the stairs and went into my bathroom. 

Then, I stuck to fingers into my throat and puked into the toilet. 


I looked up, and saw my mom in the doorway, frowning.

  "What is wrong with you?  You don't throw up on purpose!"  She slapped the back of my head and flushed the toilet.  "You're going to school no matter what.  Don't ever pull that stunt again." 

After she left, I washed off my hand and cried.  After I was done sobbing my eyes out, I looked at myself in the mirror. I would be okay today.  It should be easy to avoid Josh.  But what about Pride?  He would ask questions. 

I told myself not to worry about it.

I got on my clothes that I picked out yesterday: a purple long sleeved shirt and a baggie hoodie that said "Kansas City Cheifs".  They sucked, but it was the only baggy jacket that I could find.  Then, I put on a pair of black sweat pants the said "Peace" down the side of them and my Vans.  I didn't bother with make up, or doing anything with my hair but brushing it.

Then, I walked down the stairs and out the door.  I sat down by the bus stop, and waited.  I usually didn't ride the bus in the mornings, but I didn't feel like walking today.  When The bus came, Jannet, the busdriver, frowned at me.  "Where's the I'm-too-good-for-everybody-but-my-friends Terry?"

"I left her at home."  I murmured, and then sat down in the very first seat.

We parked in the bus lane at the high school, and everybody unloaded off the bus but me and Jannet.  

"What's wrong with you, Terry?  I've never seen you like this."  Jannet interrogated, taking a seat beside me.

"Well, you haven't seen me this past week."  I told her, forcing myself not to cry.

"What the hell happened to you?"  She hugged me tight as I let the tears fall.  "Why aren't you your bitchy self?"  I laughed.  

"Something bad happened to me...Because I wasn't willi- Nevermind.  Thank you, Jannet."  She got out of the way, and I got off the bus and made my way into school holding my purse tightly to me.  By the time I got to my locker, everyone had seen me and was now starring.  I ignored it and put the combination into my lock, and opened it, getting out my book.  I closed it loudly, and the everyone looked away.  I turned to go to my class, and jumped when I saw Pride standing there.  

So much for avoiding him.

"What do you want?"

He frowned at me.  "Nothing...  I just wanted to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you."  I informed him.  I saw hurt flash into his eyes.  

"Fine then."  And then he stalked off in the other direction.  

"Your class is the other way!"  I yelled after him.  I shook my head, and then went down the steps and into the science room.  The bell rang, and Pride came into the room about five minutes late. 

"Where have you been?"  Mrs. Messer yelled.

"I'm tardy, that's all you need to know."  He said, and then sat down in his seat next to me.

"Okay, everybody.  I hope your weekend was good. Get out a blank peice of notebook paper and copy what's on the board."  

I got out two peices and wrote a note on one of them.

I'm sorry.

Then I slid it over to Pride.

I was almost done copying the base of the Periodic Table when the paper was slid back

over to me.  

It's okay.  Why were you gone last week?

I sighed, and wrote back.

I don't want to seem like a bitch again, but I can't tell you that.  Sorry.

I slid it back to him, and continued working on the Table.  I was almost done drawing the

boxes when I saw the paper go onto my desk.  

Okay, I won't ask that.  But you have to answer this question: why do you look like that today?

I scribbled down my answer. 

Because I didn't feel like being my "perfect" self today.  Now, work on the Periodic Table.  Leave me alone  :P

I heard him chuckle and fold the paper.  

Once I was finished, I waited untill everyone else was done.  Then, Mrs. Messer gave us our homework, and the bell rang.  I slowly walked out of the class, dreading the next class:  History.  Josh was in that class with me.  

I sat down in my seat in History, and Josh sat down beside me.  "Where have you been

Terry?" He asked me in a stern voice.  

"At home..."

"-Don't ever fucking leave school for that long and not answer my calls again."  Was all he could fit in before the bell rang.

I was scared the rest of the hour.       

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