Chapter 2. _ Last day

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After almost everyone got seated more especially the very important guest,the program began....

"Concentrate Reina ,we are to go! " Came Nina's voice.
They entered into the gigantic hall majestically with the cameras flashing everywhere, heading directly on stage,lined up for pictures, lots more with the director, principal,the vice principal, teachers and many  more then got seated.


The event got to an end with Emi ,her friends and few mates getting a reward of excellence. Emi being the best in School,set ,class also the class representative to her class. They've already threw their mortar board cap.
Such a beautiful sight.

Outside the hall, many snapped pictures were on a display,some already framed and if you happen to come across a picture you might like then you buy it.
The place is already crowded with lots of people walking to and fro,some taking pics, while some having a family picnic or I'd rather say lunch and the rest..
Emi was standing in front of a picture she noticed of her alone smiling brightly. She crouched a little to pick it up, then another with her friends, another also a group photo with her whole mates. She picked then asked how much is it?.
"Six thousand yen" replied the owner,she didn't think twice before she gave him the cash,yeah she has that much. After she paid and he framed it,she vanished out of the place.
Today's her Last day,she needs to at least remember that much...
On the other hand,her loved ones were looking for her to have their own picnic, it's like she forgot everything, just lost.
She find herself near the school clinic building, seeing some extra chairs,she sat down staring at the above.
  "Damn the world sucks, it's supposed to be my last day,a happy one but I'm just lost,there will be a class dinner party but the boss even slapped me when I mentioned that to her, that I'm not going anywhere, Nina and Reina will be there but why can't I? and I know that I'll probably never see some of my friends again ughs"she sighed deeply as she lays her head against the wall.
  "What are you doing here Tawara, your friends are looking for you?" Came the school nurse' voice as she opened the door.
  "If I don't enjoy myself today I probably won't tomorrow"thought she for a moment before she stood up.
  "Where'd you see them Miss Erika? Asked Emi .
"Under the Marple trees were most parents are having picnic" replied miss Erika smiling as she pulled herself in .
  "Maybe she forgot something"thought Emi smile escaping her lips before muttering a thank you and left.
Amee,a constant source of support, envelopes her in a warm hug, tears of joy shinning in her eyes before her friends joined in too for the hug.
"Where have you been"asked Reina as she huffed.
" Nina's family already left and you didn't get to greet them " said Amee as she sat on the picnic mat.
"They must have their own reasons Amee "replied she as she also sat down .
Kenji,the mischievous prankster,grins from ear to ear snapping photos of the moment,as he saw the framed ones,he collected it snapping each one of it on his camera.
The place looked colourful where the food, drinks and snacks spreaded
Amee had carefully prepared a special graduation feast, complete with both their favorite dishes.
It was Nina and Reina's idea to shoo their families away and spent some time with their dear Emi cause at any time ,the boss might take her away since she's now a graduate.
Amee and Kenji dug in with gusto, leaving the three friends chatting, laughing and enjoying the celebratory atmosphere.
As she took a bite of the delicious snack ,she felt grateful for this special moment surrounded by the people she loved.
The picnic is a perfect way to cap off the graduation day filled with laugher,love and memories to last a lifetime.
As she looked around at the happy faces,she knew that this is the beginning of a new chapter.

A month later __

                                                   _ At night          

As usual,the boss is absent,and ever since her graduation day they only met thrice. As for her friends, they only chat through phone but she's not allowed to set foot out of the house though Emi being Emi sometimes snuck out and sometimes they came and that's how  life goes on for them.

And about Emi's university,even before she graduated, Nadiya didn't allow her to fill out the form everyone's supposed to fill that is, when the career guidance is been held,she couldn't go. Now she's just waiting, whatever the boss said, that's final.

She just prayed that Nadiya would let her be wherever she find herself.
  The dim glow of the living room lights cast a somber mood,as Emi,Amee and Kenji waited for Nadiya's arrival. The air was thick with tension,and the silence was only broken by the occasional glance at their phones.
  Nadiya's text had hinted at a sudden family meeting but the delay was characteristic of her unpredictable nature. As minutes ticked by, 11: 00 pm o'clock at it is, their eyelids grew heavy but the constant buzzing of their phone kept them awake.
   Binazar's calming presence offered some comfort but even she seemed subdued in the face of Nadiya's impending announcement. Finally! , the boss arrived,her presence commanding attention. They both greeted and she just nodded before finally got seated.

                    Fatima Emi's Pov:

"Let's get straight to the point, we're going back to Nigeria!".
   " We were shocked for a moment at the mention of Nigeria, it's my first time too but then.... This is why I dislike memories.
   " Our flight is in two hours,we have twenty hours flight all in all so get ready do not make me repeat myself.
As she uttered the last part, I almost slipped from my position. I'm really leaving? , what about my friends?, the whole part of me is here in Tokyo. I know I've always dreamed about going to Nigeria one day because I felt like something or someone is calling me but then that's so sudden.
    "Nigeria?, I've always wanted to go"said Kenji all excited.
    "Is this really necessary?, such short notice....,
    Yeah,she was concerned, I know Amee really well,she wanted to go too it's her fatherland after all,but the thought of leaving so soon,the memories,it came as a shocking news to her. But you know the boss,she cut her in instead and said " It's necessary,you both need to pack and get ready now else you'll regret it okay? . She seemed firmly waiting for an answer. Awkward silence follows as me ,Kenji and Amee exchange glances, unsure of what to say or do next. Eventually,we both chrosed "okay...
   Supportively,Amee said" we'll get through this together. While the boss is already on her phone after dismissing us smirking like a maniac.
So ,we both retired back to our rooms to start packing leaving the boss to her call.
    As soon as I entered into my room, I quickly dialed Reina and Nina's number and they told me that they're on their way, our house are not that far from one another.
  I was surprised when they mentioned about their arrival,at this hour! I'll really be shocked if their parents let them out, more especially Reina ,her mother tend to be strict and, not every parent would let their kids out like this,I guess I'm really lucky, I just hope the boss let them in.
  After the call, I stood up in front of my open closet, gazing at the array of clothes hanging before me,I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the task ahead. With a sense of determination, I grabbed a huge suitcase from the corner of my room and placed it on the bed, it's been a while since I last used it. It was when the boss herself took us to a long vacation to Dubai. After I dusted it, I began by selecting my favorite outfits, carefully removing them from their hangers and folding them neatly into the suitcase. With each item I add,the suitcase transformed from an empty shell into a treasure trove of memories and possibilities.
  Each and every worker in the house had left,remain the driver kaiito, Yuna the chief maid who's probably tending to the boss right now, being ordered around,then the security guard Sora,my fave guy, from what I've heard he won't be leaving or is it that the house keys are to be with him surely,I'll miss everyone.
Minutes later, I heard the sound of the gate opened,as I peeked through the window,I was really amazed, guess who? .

Sai an jima
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