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- Basically, there are two options: get out of here if you feel ready to face the consequences of your actions or take a seat on a table in the Late Night BAR to be tormented forever, just like the lost souls around us. Explains Angel who is resuming his activities.

- Are they people who have decided to stay there? Camila asks, looking around.

- Yes, sometimes due to fear, they think that staying here is the most beneficial for them. Those who remain silent are aware of their sins but prefer to stay, while others who whisper refuse to face the truth, so they constantly repeat that they are innocent. Angel explains.

- The poor people, I understand them.

- No, don't show them mercy, they all did something wrong that they felt guilty about.

- Indeed, I am in a good position to understand this. Camila said as she took the last sip of whiskey.

- So, what is your decision? To stay here or to face your mistakes? Angel curiously asks to know her decision.

- I think I'm going to leave here, it's the best option, it's like a second chance.

-If you say so. Angel answers, knowing full well what is coming.

Camila gets up and takes a step and feels that feeling again that she has already felt every time she has looked at Christine's parents, every time she remembers that out of jealousy she let her best friend die, which causes her remorse and regret and brings tears to her eyes.

- Why does it hurt so much now? Camila asks, who can't take it anymore.

- That's why I'm giving you the opportunity to leave, you have to feel ready to do it, but you don't have much time left to live. Angel warns.

- I couldn't bear to look at her mother who trusted me so much in the eyes, when I wanted her daughter dead. Camila confesses in tears.

- You have the option of staying here or seeking to save your soul by redeeming yourself. I don't care what you do, but you have to make a choice quickly, you don't have much time left. Angel alerts again.

Camila sits for a moment thinking about her decision to leave this bar and confesses everything to Christine's parent in order to seek peace or stay at the Late Night BAR like a coward.

- I'm going to leave. Says Camila, who is ready to face anything.

She slowly walks towards the door, feeling this feeling of remorse and regret stronger and stronger but it no longer reaches her, she continues to move forward with confidence in herself.

She arrives in front of the door, she takes a deep breath before pushing it but nothing, she tries to push the door and then pulls it towards her, but without success, the door does not open, she stares at Angel reluctantly.

- Why doesn't it open? I am now aware of my mistakes. Camila asks, still trying to open it.

- It's already too late Camila, you took too long to make a decision, you're dead. Angel announces with a sad expression.

- What will happen to me now? Camila asks curiously.

Angel carefully observes the other surrounding individuals, which clearly shows Camila's response.

She quickly walks towards Angel by placing both hands on the back of his neck.

- Please give me a second chance and I promise I'll make up for it and praise God for the rest of my life, Angel. Camila begs desperately.

- I can't do anything for you, I warned you to make a decision quickly. Angel responds by removing his hands from the back of his neck.

Camila, completely disoriented, leans against the counter and asks Angel one last thing before taking a seat at a table at the Late Night BAR.

- Can I ask for one last song? Camila asks.

She no longer tries to beg Angel, she accepts the fact that her mistakes will be unforgivable in the eyes of Christine's parents and that she will never find peace telling herself that maybe staying at the Late Night BAR is the best choice for her.

- I already know your wish. Angel responds by turning to the radio.

"You don't own me - Lesley Gore"

- The first song that gave you a passion for the music of the sixties. Angel said, holding out his hand to Camila.

- One last dance? Why not. Accepts Camila who accompanies him on the dance floor by taking his hand.

They approach each other, Camila puts her arms around his neck and Angel puts his hands on his hips and so they dance slowly to the rhythm of the music.

-Thanks for everything. Looking into his eyes, Camila expresses her gratitude.

- Let's say it's my job, but you're the first person I've been so understanding with. Angel confesses.

Camila gives him a hug while hugging him very tightly.

Both remain silent throughout the music until the last second.

Camila is aware of what is going to happen next, Angel grabs her hand and walks to a table where her name is written.

- I guess that's where I belong. Camila said with an anxious laugh.


- Once again, thank you very much. Camila says one last time before sitting down.

Suddenly, she feels a sense of emptiness within her, she observes the emptiness in silence like the others, with a face that says nothing, no emotion, as if she were devoid of a soul.


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