Chapter 11

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Blaine leans his back on his seaside castle and plays the flute. Max is beside him.

Blaine: That voice. I can't get it out of my head. I've looked everywhere, Max - where could he be?

In a cove further along the shoreline, Kurt lays on a rock. Pavarotti and Will pant, exhausted. Kurt pushes the seaweed out of his face and sits up. He sees his legs and is amazed. He lifts his foot in the air and wiggles his toes.

Scuttle: Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! (Scuttle lands on his leg.) Look at ya! Look at ya! There's somethin' different. Don't tell me - I got it. It's your hairdo, right? (Kurt shakes his head.) You've been usin' the dinglehopper, right? No? No huh, well let me see. New... seashells? No new seashells. (Kurt shakes the leg Scuttle is perched on to give him a clue.) I gotta admit, I can't put my foot on it right now, but if I just stand here long enough, I know that I'll -

Will: (shouting) He's got legs, you idiot! He traded his voice to the sea witch and got legs. Jeez, man...

Scuttle: I knew that.

Pavarotti: Kurt's been turned into a human. He's gotta make the prince fall in love with him, and he's gotta ki- he's gotta kiss him.

Dick's legs wobble as he tries to stand up.

Will: And he's only got three days. (Kurt falls over, splashing his friends.) Just look at him. On legs. On human legs! My nerves are shot. This is a catastrophe! What would his father say? I'll tell you what his father would say. (grabbing Pavarotti's face) He'd say he's gonna kill himself a crab, that's what his father says! (marching away) I'm gonna march myself straight home right now and tell him just like I shoulda done the minute- (Kurt picks up Will and holds him in his hands. He wags his claw at him as he shakes his head.) And don't you shake your head at me, young man. Maybe there's still time. If we could get that witch to give you back your voice, you could go home with all the normal fish, (Kurt gives him a sad look) and just be... just be... just be miserable for the rest of your life. All right, all right. I'll try to help you find that prince. (Kurt smiles and kisses Will's head. He sets him down.) Boy. What a soft-shell I'm turning out to be.

Scuttle lands beside the wreckage.

Scuttle: Now, Kurt, I'm tellin' ya, if you wanna be a human the first thing you gotta do is dress like one. Now lemme see.

Scuttle picks up a sail. Blaine walks along the shore with Max. He sniffs and raises his brow. He barks and hops around excitedly. He runs down the beach.

Blaine: Max? Huh... what, Max!

Blaine follows Max. Scuttle whistles.

Scuttle: Ya look great, kid. Ya look - sensational.

Kurt wears the sail tied with ropes. He's alarmed by Max's barking. Pavarotti splashes back into the sea and Will skitters away hopping behind a rock. Kurt climbs onto the rock and Max licks his face.

Blaine: Max... Max - Quiet Max! (Max tugs at Blaine's leg.) What's gotten into you, fella? (seeing Kurt) Oh... Oh, I see. Are you O.K., sir? I'm sorry if this knucklehead scared you. He's harmless, really - (Blaine gazes at his face and points at him.) You... seem very familiar... to me. Have we met? (Kurt nods.) We have met? (Max comes between them and barks.) I knew it! (grabbing Kurt's hands) You're the one - the one I've been looking for! What's your name? (Kurt tries to answer, but no sound comes out of his mouth. He touches his throat, disappointed.) What's wrong? What is it? (Kurt taps his throat.) You can't speak? (Kurt shakes his head.) Oh, oh. Then you couldn't be who I thought. (Kurt and Max let out frustrated sighs. Kurt waves his arms in an attempt to pantomime.) What is it? You're hurt? No, No... You need help. (Kurt falls into his arms. Blaine holds him, helping him stand.) Whoa, whoa, careful - careful - easy. Gee, you must have really been through something. Don't worry, I'll help you. Come on... Come on, you'll be okay.

Blaine leads him away. Scuttle gives a thumbs up and Pavarotti grins.

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