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The pair arrives at the convenience store. They split up upon entry, Mel heads towards the drinks, while Huey looks around the snack section. Nothing really catches his eye, so he decides to settle for some chips, a pretzel, and water. He meets back up with Mel in line for the register.

"Hey. You're not getting any food?" he inquires, seeing she only has a bottle of water.

"The stuff here can only barely be considered food honestly."

"True. Can't argue with you there."

"I'll just eat when I get home. This line is takin' forever though." she replies with a sigh.

As the two stand in line and minutes begin to pass, Huey begins to feel a little anxious. The lines never take this long. He begins to look around.

The store is much more filled than it was when they first arrived, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. A bit louder than usual. He tries to pick out what he can of the conversation at the register. Apparently the system is updating or something, but none of the registers are working? Fishy. Huey begins to feel that stomach lurching feeling from the night before. Oh no. Are they near? He looks towards the exits. The furthest one is being blocked by the janitor, mopping the floor and the closer one has a group of teenagers standing around it, just talking and laughing.

"Huey, you seeing this?" Mel asks just above a whisper.

"Seeing what?" He follows her gaze towards the sandwich station, the worker there is looking dead at them. Coldly, expressionless, and unblinking.

"Odd..." He goes to turn back around when he notices out of the corner of his eye, the coffee attendant is also staring at them.

"What is going o—"

"Yo what up dog?" comes a new voice from behind Huey. He spins to see a few of the kids from the group by the door have approached them. Standing in the middle is a tall, pale guy with dirty blond hair and braces. To his right, a shorty, portly blond kid with long hair, and to his left, a very muscular fellow with short brown hair.

"Uhh... hi. What's up?" Huey inquires cautiously, but friendly.

"Oh not much, not much. You two look tired. Busy night?" the guy with the braces asks.

"Uhm, do I know you?"

"Yeah man. You were at that party yesterday, right?"

"Err... y—" Huey starts, but Mel quickly grabs his arm.

"He doesn't have to answer that." she glares.

"Woah, hey, chillax girl. It's just a question, damn."

"Got something to hide?" the larger kid chimes in.

Huey takes a deep breath and steps up. "Look guys, no need for hostility. Got no idea what you're talking about. Didn't go to a party last night. Neither of us did. We were together."

The guy in front is visibly frustrated. He steps a bit closer. Huey meets his gaze, trying not to let his nerves get to him. The store seems to be growing louder and more claustrophobic. Suddenly, the door behind the group swings open and a woman appears, dressed in what seems to be some sort of wilderness gear.

"What is taking you guys so long?" She says, looking directly at Melrose and Huey. Neither of them say anything. "We need to go, what's the holdup?"

Before either of them can respond, one of the employees speaks up.

"Register is busted, ma'am. Waiting for it to restart."

"Sorry ma'am, we're currently at capacity, could you please step out of the store?" another one interjects.

"I'm not going anywhere without my kids." She shoots back, then looks at the pair again.

"You two with this woman?" the cashier asks. "Didn't see her car until just now." he adds, peering out the window.

"We definitely are. Not that it's any of your business." Mel responds as she starts towards the woman, pushing past the group in the way. Huey goes to follow her.

"Hey wait, neither of you paid for that stuff!" the cashier calls.

Huey takes Mel's water, turns and sets everything on the counter, then bows to the cashier. They both exit the store with the woman, everyone watching them as they leave. Man, that bow was lame, wasn't it.

"Both of you. Follow me. Quickly." the woman says without looking back.

"What the hell was that?" Mel asks as they approach the woman's car.

"Damn Pressors." she mumbles to herself, barely audible. "If they're being this aggressive in broad daylight, these two must've gotten into some deep shit." She hops into the driver's seat of her car while the other two stand by awkwardly. The mysterious woman looks at them wide eyed.

"Well, what are you waiting for? We need to move."

Huey looks at Melrose, who is looking at him almost pleadingly. He gives her an affirmative nod and hops in the back seat. She sighs and joins him.

"Uh, pressors, you called 'em?" he asks.

"Somethin' they did must've really pissed this group off." the woman continues to herself as she starts her car.

Mel's eyes widen. "Last night! We saw—"

"Shh!!!" The woman turns around quickly with her finger to her mouth. "Not here. Not now."

Huey looks out the window and sees a man pumping their gas, looking right into their car. The woman rolls up the windows then begins to drive away.

"Where are we goin'?" Mel asks.

"Just away from here, for now. Don't worry, I'm not one of them." She drives into a nearby parking lot, unlocks the doors, then turns back to look at Mel and Huey.

"Okay. I know you must both be pretty scared and confused. It'll all make sense in due time. For now though, you have to go."

"Wait, what?" Huey says.

"This place isn't safe. Trust me, it is bigger than you realize." the woman responds.

"We can't talk now? I don't understand, just take us somewhere safe." Mel replies.

"We would be followed. Not a good idea. Lie low for a couple of days." she hands Mel a pager.

"What is this?"

"Listen, we don't have a lot of time. Keep it with you. We will speak soon. Now hurry. Go." the woman says, shooing the two out of the car. Huey gets out and circles around to stand with Mel at the driver's side door.

"Stay safe." the woman adds with a serious look before driving off.

"Well... that was just about the weirdest thing I've ever seen." Huey says after some time.

Mel looks at him.

"...Okay second weirdest thing. But this is for sure the weirdest weekend I've ever had! Who was that?"

"No idea." Mel responds, then sighs. "Someone who can help us. Anyway, we should keep moving if she's to be believed. Wanna head back to my place? Camp out for the weekend?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Your parents won't mind any?"

"Nah, they're chill. Yours?"

"Same. But I should let 'em know anyway."

"Right." Mel replies with a nod. The couple then sets off towards their neighborhood.

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