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Melrose and Huey drive through the night just talking about any and everything. He asks philosophical questions and moral quandaries, while she talks about leftism and astrology. Apparently she reads birth charts and doesn't have a dream job because she doesn't aspire to spend her life fueling the capitalistic factory project. Huey wishes he spent his time in school learning the things she knows instead of the pythagorean theorem and that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

"Y'know, that seems vaguely racist, now that I think about it."

"What does?"

"The mitochondria bein' the powerhouse of the cell."

Mel laughs. ""Scuse me, what?"

"Think about it. The mitochondria is always called the "powerhouse of the cell", right?"

"I'm followin'"

"Our mitochondrial DNA we get from our mothers. It's like, the oldest chain of traceable female DNA."


"Black women are the oldest form of humanity. The powerhouse of the cell therefore originates with the black woman. Ergo, 'Strong black woman.'"

"Oh, Jesus. You might be overthinkin' that one" Mel says. They both laugh.

"You might be right."

"Why did you let Jason call you nigga? Mel asks a little while later.

"I... Used to not care? I grew up pretty sheltered from like, overt discrimination. Even when I did experience it, I didn't even notice that much. I didn't really associate with my experience back then. I was just me, and that was all that mattered. I saw myself as a person, not as a color. I only realized too late the rest of the world didn't. So I'm kinda playin' catch up. And being non confrontational, sometimes that is easier said than done."

"I get it. It ain't even that bad in the south. I mean, it's bad. Don't get me wrong. But issa different kinda bad here."

"Yeah. I dunno. I just can't believe the most important things to me for the past like... 5 years have been girls, video games, school, and feelin' sorry for myself. Feels like I'm playin' right into the system or somethin', y'know?"

"I'on know man, you seem pretty well off to me. Shouldn't be too hard on ya self. We all get to where we're gettin' at different paces."

"Speakin' of Jason, how the heck does a girl like you end up with a guy like him?"

Mel shrugs bashfully. "Well, y'know, I'm homeschooled. The datin' pool ain't that big. I'on go out much. I met him out at the mall once. He seemed alright then. And besides, not a lot of people like me 'round here. Guess I was kinda settlin' a bit."

"Yeah, that's fair that's fair. By the way, I think we're here."

"I think ya right. So should I just pull off here? Or"

"Nah, we should head down the coast a little while, I don't think what we're lookin' for is gonna be at an active spot like this."

"What are we lookin' for anyway..." Mel mumbles.

"Let's park up here, it's pretty dark and secluded. Some boats over there, doesn't look like anyone is on 'em though."

"okay. That's good. I can hotwire one of em if we need to." Mel parks and they get out of the Rebel's car. They walk out to the beach and sit down, watching the waves.

"Full moon." Mel says.

"Yeah, it's nice."

"Are you okay? You seem off."

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