Chapter 4

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I'm sorry if you guys got an notification, saying that chapter four was out a earlier today/yesturday/a few days ago ( I don't know when I'll publish this ) To be honest, my dog sneezed and his gross snot got on my phone. (I know, tmi ) So when I went to clean my phone, I accidentally published my chapter I was writing. So yeah, I had to unpublish it and fix it. Don't hate me >~<

Also this is a shorter chapter because I'm rushing to get this done since it's been a while since a updated this.



Saturday, 12:34pm
Arthur's Pov

Alfred and I walked side by side as went over to (f/n)'s house. We didn't say a word to each other. I didn't want this to be like like the whole day, so I stopped him before we made the corner.

"What up?" He said, still looking at the sidewalk instead of me.

"I don't want this to be happening the whole day, in fact for the rest of our lives. Yes, I know I made things awkward for you and her, but can you just forgive me so we can all be friends?" After a few seconds of silence, I rubbed the back of my neck and looked in front of us as well.

"Yeah, I'm sorry to. I shouldn't of been all stank about it in the first place. In fact, let's make a deal." He said, the happiness back in his eyes as he jumped around.

"What kind of deal?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"How 'bout, we just be friends with her together, but have a little competition on the side?" I shook my head.

"I told you from the first day I met her that I never said that I liked her." I brushed his shoulder off of me.

"Well sometimes it looks like it." I looked at the ground with embarrassment.


Alfred's Pov

I thought about the times where I saw Arthur and (f/n) talking together. It really looked like Arthur enjoyed her company, even though complaining that she talked a little too much when she's excited. Which I didn't really agree with.

At that moment, I felt bad for my bro. I know I ruined his chances with other girls and now I want him to have someone. I didn't mean to try to make every girl he liked hate him.

"Okay bro. No comp, and no me going after her. Just friends, Kay?" He looked up from the ground, a smile plastered on his face.



Saturday, 11:30 am
(F/n)'s Pov

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. Why did I wake up before noon?

I sat up and went over to my bathroom. Looking into the mirror was a terrible idea. My (h/c) hair was tangled and there was circles under my eyes. I definitely needed a shower.

After taking a warm shower, I put on my favorite band shirt, black skinny jeans and converse shoes. I styled my hair in my usual way before brushing my teeth.

I put my tooth brush and paste away and did my makeup.


I walked downstairs to the kitchen and looked at the clock. I had about a half an hour before they should be over.

I went over to the freezer and pulled out a package of frozen chicken pieces and rice. I put on my (f/c) apron and sighed.

I opened the bag of chicken pieces and put them onto a pan covered with vegetable oil and did the same with the rice.

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