Chapter 5

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A little short, but hopefully you guys like it. Also a early apology for any misspellings and bunk.


(F/n)'s Pov

Alfred, Arthur, and I grabbed our drinks and walked across to the street to the book store. We hung outside until we finished our drinks.


"Dudes! Let's go to the comics!" Alfred dragged me along as I pulled Arthur with me.

We reached the comic section and Alfred let go of my hand and I did the same to Arthur.

"Can Arthur and I go look for our books now?" Alfred whined and pulled out a comic from the shelf.

"Don't leave me." He cried, giving us puppy eyes. "Pleeeeeaase?"

"Okay...." He smiled and turned his back to us. I looked over at Arthur and put a finger over my lips, indicating to be quiet. He nodded and I grabbed his hand before silently escaping to the literature section.

"Well thank goodness you thought of something. I figured we would be stuck there for hours." He chuckled before letting go of my hand.

"No problem, but we should really look for a book because it won't be long until he finds out we left him."

"Yes, you're probably right."


I grabbed one of the books, (favorite literature book) and flipped through the pages. Arthur, close to me at all times.

It's was a nice silence, nothing awkward about it. Just peace and quiet.

We would glance at the books we held in our hands and would make a silly faces at each other.

Smiling, I placed the book back to where I found it and turned around, seeing Alfred on the other side of the store walking around frantically. He was looking for us. I squatted down, taking Arthur with me.

"What the h-?!" I covered his mouth and leaned from behind our hiding spot to see Alfred still looking for us.

"Shhh! Alfred's searching for us." He nodded and I took my hand from his mouth. "Follow me." I crawled over to the children's area that was at the one of the corners of the store and sat behind one of the books shelves there, Arthur doing the same.


"So...." I whispered as I grabbed a children's book, flipping through the pages before placing back onto the shelf. "Do you think he's still looking for us?"


I peeked my head from the book shelf we were hiding behind to see a pair of red sneakers. I looked up slowly and saw Alfred, his cheeks puffed up with air.

"O-oh! Alfred...hi!" I stuttered after he tackled me and Arthur into a group hug.

"Why'd you guys leave me?! I was so scared! It was like that one movie where the girl gets abducted by gross, alien monsters and comes back all cursed or whatever and kills her friends!" He screamed as he squeezed the life out of us.

"Get off me, you idiot!" Arthur yelled, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Alfred, I can't breathe!" I squeaked.


I dragged my feet on the pebbles underneath me as I casually swung on one of the swings in the park.

I looked over to see Arthur pushing me from behind, Alfred swinging beside me.

We didn't even talk, not after what happened.











"Okay." Alfred jumped off the swig and faced us. "It wasn't my fault we got kicked out of the store. If you guys didn't leave me it wouldn't of happened." He crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks with air again.

"Sorry, I guess."

"Why are you apologizing that idiot?!" Arthur grabbed the chains of my swing, making me stop immediately. I looked up to see him looking down at me. "He's the one who wouldn't let us do our own thing!"

"I guess..." I looked at my feet that were hanging from the ground. "Sorry."


Arthur's Pov

I watched her as she looked down at her feet. It was All our faults, not just hers! She shouldn't feel guilty for all of this.

And by looking at Alfred, I could see that he knew it to.

"Hey dudette, sorry I just-"

"No, no it's fine, really."

"You sure?" I asked as I watched her stand up.

"Yeah! To be honest, it was kinda scary when that lady chased us out." She laughed. "But it was funny when Alfred tripped and we left him there."

"It was traumatizing." Alfred whined, shaking a little. Probably having a flashback of the lady sitting on him.


We walked over to (f/n)'s house, she leading the way. It was getting dark out, the moon already glowing in the sky.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by (f/n) pulling my sleeve.


"I asked if you guys would like to watch a movie before you guys go home."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." She smiled and hugged my arm.


(F/n's) Pov

I unlocked the door and turned on the hallway light, the two walking in after me.

"Yo dudette, where's your parents."

"Oh well, they're out at a business trip right now."

"So we have the whole house to ourselves?" I nodded.

"Sweet! Dude, Arthur, isn't that awesome?" He wrapped his arm around Arthur's shoulder.

"I guess." He brushed Alfred's arm off his shoulder. "Can we just do something before this idiot tries to touch me again?"

I smiled, pretty amused. "Sure lets go pick out a movie."

I went over to the living room, the two following close behind.

"Well what do you want to watch, guys? I have pretty much anything."

"Do you have Twilight?!" Alfred said, his eyes sparkling like the vampires in the movies.

"Nah." I said as I hid the collection of movies behind the tv, a little ashamed I actually owned the movies.

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