Chapter 12

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A/N: This chapter is not checked for any errors. So a advanced apology for any mistakes.


Arthur's Pov

I opened (f/n)'s from door with the spare key I took before going to Francis's house. It was around noon, so hopefully she's up and feeling better.

She wasn't in the living room, so I decided to see if she was in the kitchen. Again, not there. I walked upstairs to see if she was still sleeping.

Like I suspected she was still sleeping like a bump on a log. I walked over and sat down next to her sleeping figure.

"(F/n), it's already noon. You have to get up." She groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. I sighed and pulled it back down. I really wasn't going to take no for an answer.

After fighting over the blanket, I pulled (f/n) over my shoulder and carried her downstairs.

"Arthur~ I want to sleep some more. Pleeeeaaasee~?" She said as I carried her down the stairs.

"No, we are going to have some breakfast and actually do something today." I heard her groan again as I put her on the couch.

"Alright, I'm going to order some food and pay for it, okay? And if you're still sick, we'll watch a movie or something." I watched her ignore me as she laid down on the couch.

Giving up for an answer, I grabbed my phone and started a call for pizza.

We waited a half an hour for waiting for the delivery guy to show up. It started to get annoying because it felt like forever for it to get to us. Maybe I just need to gain a little more patience.

The door bell rang and I walked over and opened the door. I paid the man for the pizza and closed the from door afterwards.

I walked over to (f/n), who was sitting on the living room couch. Once I placed the box on the coffee table and opened it, she started eating her heart out. Her (e/c) lit up from the sight, smell, and the taste of the Italian cuisine.

She finished eating after three to five pieces. It was surprising that she was that hungry since earlier she acted like she was still tired. The now full girl slumped in her chair and patted her stomach.

Knowing that I wouldn't get my arm bitten off, I grabbed a slice and took a bite. It was actually pretty good, to be honest. I ate a few pieces only leaving one on the box.

I looked at (f/n) who was glaring at me. As if telling me not to take the last slice. I looked back to the slice of pizza. To test waters, I started moving my hand close to slice. That is, until I heard a low growl out of no where.

I put my hand back onto my lap and looked at her again. Her glare was much stronger than before. Again, I guided my hand back to the alive, still looking at her.

There again was growling when I got to a certain point of reaching the pizza. Instead of backing off I poked the crust.

Once my finger came in contact with the pizza, I felt the pizza box move away from me. She pulled it into her lap and consumed the pizza in a matter of seconds. (F/n) placed the the empty box back onto the coffee table after for practically inhaling the last slice.

Still a little stunned from her sudden action, I grabbed the box and hurried into the kitchen. I put the box into the trash and walked over to the kitchen sink.

Back to her sickly phase, (f/n) rolled off the couch and onto the wooden floor. She groaned and flailed her arms in the air.


"Hmm?" I said, turning on the water.

"My tummy hurts!" She said as she rubbed her stomach. I sighed and washed my hands.

"That's probably because you ate so much."

"Noooo!" As I rolled my eyes, I dried my hands and went over to where she was on the ground.

I crossed my arms and watched her wiggle around. She finally stopped moving and looked up at me. Puppy eyes were definitely visible.

"What?" I tapped my foot, a little impatient for an answer.

"I need help up."


After helping her, (f/n) has been asking for me to do several things. Like get her a drink, brush her hair, give her a blanket, give her the television remote, and watch movies with her.

Okay, the brushing the hair thing was actually okay in my book. At least I can get closer to her.

It's not like I'm complaining, but it starting to feel like she's doing it for her own benefit. Not because she feels sick anymore.

"(F/n)?" I asked as I finished up brushing her hair.

"Yeah?" Her eyes focused were on the tv the whole time.

"You're not sick anymore, are you?" She slowly turned around to meet my mild gaze. A small smile was given to me before she took off to her bedroom. "I knew it!"

I ran up the stairs to catch her. Her bedroom door already closed when I reached the top of the stairs. Giggling where heard from the other side of the door.


(F/n)'s Pov

I hid under the covers of my bed. My (favorite animal) plush with me under the covers.

The door opened and then doomed closed. I held in my breathe as I heard Arthur walk over.

I held onto my plush for dear life as I felt the right side of the bed sink. Obviously, Arthur was sitting right next to me.

I decided to pretend to sleep. Maybe of he thinks I'm sleeping, he'll leave me alone.

As I sneezed my plush, it gave out a loud squeak. My eyes shot open as I knew my cover was blown. Soon, the blanket flew off of me and I was met with green eyes.

"Oh hey, Arthur. Sup?" I said as I gave him an awkward smile.

"Nothing really, I've just been taking orders from a bossy girl all day." I stuck my tongue out, knowing he was talking about me.

"Pfffff! I only asked for a few things. Man, you're such a baby." I sat up and tossed my plush somewhere on my bed.

"As if! You're the baby! You needed help with everything you did all day!" I puffed my cheeks.

"Suuuure~" I said as I leaned close to him, our noses barely apart. Both of our faces were visibly bright red from how close we were.

Surprisingly, I felt an hand grab my shoulder. The action was shocked me because I thought he would move.

Before we could do anything else, however, my phone started going off. I pulled myself away from Arthur and took out my phone.

"Who is it?" He asked, pretending he didn't do anything a few seconds before.

"It's just Alfred. He asked if we would like to hang out at the mall. I'm cool with it, what about you." He crossed his arms.

"Okay, fine."

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