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Chapter Twenty-Two - Faith

"I'm sorry."

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In the darkness of the night, we stood at the trunk of the car outside of an old, abandoned house that was falling apart. Dean propped up the hideaway lid before handing Sam a taser gun.

"What do you have those amped up to?" Sam asked.

"Hundred thousand volts," Dean answered, hesitantly handing me one as well. "Maybe you should stay out here."

"I have to learn what I'm doing at one point," I stated. "I'm never gonna get better at this whole hunt monsters thing if I don't hunt monsters."

"I was these things extra crispy," Dean continued. "And remember, you only get one shot with these things. Make it count."


We walked down the basement stairs, tasers and flashlights in hand. A noise echoed from across the room where a wardrobe sat. 

"On three," Dean whispered. "One...two...three."

I pulled the door open only to be faced with two young kids. 

"Is it still here?" Sam asked.

The boy nodded.

"Okay, grab your sisters hand, we're gonna get you out of here." Dean took the boy's friend hand and led the two kids to the steps. 

Sam followed the kids up the stairs only for something to grab his foot from underneath the staircase. 

"Sam!" Dean yelled. 

I ducked around the side of the stairs, trying to get a glimpse of whatever it was. 

Dean shot the taser, but missed. Barely, but still.

"Sam, get them out of here!" Dean said as he was tossed Sam's gun. "Ria, go."

"No, I've got this," I insisted as moved through the cluttered basement. 

I turned the corner. 

"Ria, move!" 

The next thing I know, I was pushed out of the way and Dean was shoved into the wall opposite of me by the monster. I struggled to pull myself to my feet.  

He snatched the gun from the floor as the monster stalked closer. 

He shot at it. The monster dropped dead, but something wasn't right.

Dean groaned, back arching off the floor as his eyes rolled back. I stumbled across the room to him as he slumped against the wall. "Hey, hey, hey, what the hell?" I shook his shoulder as I dropped down beside him, water sloshing around me.  "No, no, no." 

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