Burn Down Their Hive Pt. 2

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It had been a couple of weeks since the fire took place at the old Knight Nursery building, within that time the fire department and police had established the cause of the fire was arson, but with no leads they put it down to teenagers in the area just trying to cause trouble.

A post mortem had also taken place on the body that was removed from the building and it was of course, confirmed to be Mia.

Everyone was devastated, no one more than Charlotte though. She was completely heartbroken after losing the love of her life, she couldn't help but blame herself.

If I just went myself, Mia wouldn't be dead.
It would have been me.

She often thought to herself, but something was telling her this wasn't an accident, yeah the area where the nursery was located had its fair share of trouble from the young teenagers, but nothing like this.

She knew there was more to it.
And she wasn't going to let this go.

Janice, on the other hand had been keeping a low profile within the last couple of weeks, she showed face when she needed to so as now to arouse suspicions, as far as the police and most importantly Roger were aware, she had nothing to do with it and planned on keeping it that way.

One of the days, she was due to cover for Marjorie as manager in the new nursery, she didn't mind this as it gave her an opportunity to be in charge for the day, seeing as she was not appointed the official role as manager, as she makes her way to the office her right protocol is to check all the rota to see what staff will be working in what rooms.

As she traces her finger down the list of names on the wall for today's rota she spots one that she didn't expect to see in today.


She hadn't seen Charlotte since the night of the fire and was surprised she had even agreed to come in, The Black Widow shrugs it off and gets back to inventory work for the day.

As the day goes on, the new nursery is busy, a lot of new faces, a lot of new kids.
So everyone was kept busy.

As Janice has her face into her paper work, she didn't take notice of the foot steps entering the room, her attention was sparked when she heard the person say her name as the door closed behind them, so she looks up and raises an eyebrow with a slight smirk on her face.

"Charlotte. What a surprise seeing you here. Is there something I can do for you?"
She asks.

Charlotte hated confrontation, but since being with Mia she has distilled a bit of back bone into the woman.
Charlotte wasn't stupid.
She knew Janice couldn't be trusted.
She knew she was hiding a secret.

She proceeds with caution.

"Actually... yes there is. What exactly were you doing at the nursery on the night of the fire Janice?"
She asks, trying not to show nerves in her voice.

Janice leans back on her chair and crosses her arms and looks into the woman's eyes.

"I told you what I was doing. Is there something else you want to ask me, Charlotte?"
She questions, trying to intimidate the younger woman by not breaking eye contact with her.

And it's working, she can see Charlotte already starting to play with her fingers as her eyes jot around the room, looking anywhere apart from the Black Widows eyes.

"I.. uh... yes. There is. I know you had something to do with Mia being killed and I have full intentions of telling Roger it was you!"
She stuttered to begin with, then she remembered her beautiful Mia.
Mia didn't deserve this and her death would not be in vein if Charlotte had anything to do with.

Janice raised an eyebrow and stood up and walked over to Charlotte slowly, backing her up into the closed door and looked down at her.

"Oh, Charlotte. You're going to tell on me? Roger will never believe you. The police have already said it was teenagers and besides... I done you all a favour. If I couldn't kill Marjorie and her little lap dog, Mia was the next best option. Now get back to work."
She spits at Charlotte, backing off to allow her to exit the room.

What she didn't realise though is that Charlotte wasn't calling her bluff.
She was going to tell Roger and her admitting to Charlotte she was to blame for the death of the love of her life, was all she needed.

A few days passed and Janice practically forgot about Charlotte thinly veiled threat, she knew Charlotte didn't have it in her to do or say anything and if she did, Janice would be left with no choice but to take care of her too.

Janice decided to treat herself and go into town that day, she makes her way to her car in her drive way and unlocks it, before she can open up the door she's grabbed from behind and a black pillow case is put over her face, she can't see who grabbed her but her hands and feet and bond together and she's flung into the boot of a car.

What the fuck?!

She tries to scream as loud as she can until her lungs are burning, but her screams are muffled in the boot.
She doesn't know where she's been taken to, but she knows already it can't be good.

She doesn't know how long she's been in there for, but the car eventually comes to a holt as the driver and passenger door open and close before the boot is then opened and she's lifted out.

"Let me fucking go!!! I swear I will fucking gut you like a pig when I get out of here!!!"
She hissed threatening the two people holding her.

As the pillow case is removed from her head the widow stands wide eyed staring in front of her.

"Will you, now?"
Roger replies to her as his two men are holding onto Janice tightly.

Janice stutters.
"Rog... please.. ju...just let me explain! It wasn't meant to happen like that! It was for Autumn and Marjorie! Roger, please don't do this. Think about everything I've done for you!!!!"
She begs him to let her go.

This doesn't phase Roger.
Her cries and begs mean nothing.
She done something that no one lives to talk about.
She betrayed him.

"I told you.. very clearly. If anything happened to Amelia, I would deal with you the same way I dealt with that imbecile Jodie. Charlotte has proven herself to be loyal to me. But you.. oh Janice.. my dear, your uses have worn off."
He reaches over and brushes her hair out her face then looks at both of his men before getting back into his rolls Royce.

"Take care of her, boys."

Janice screams and begs, she tries to break away but the two men are too strong.
While one restrains her, the other one goes to the car and lifts out a 50lbs cinder block and rope, he wraps the rope tightly around her legs and then to the cinder block.

One man lifts her up and the other lifts the heavy concrete block up, Janice still doesn't know where they are, but as she looks down she realises they're in a bridge and there's water about 10ft below them, and it looks deep.

A single tear falls from her eye and down her cheek as she closes her eyes tightly together.
She whispers.
"I'm so, so sorry."

The two men throw Janice and the block over the railing, the second she hits the water she's dragged to the bottom of the river immediately, they don't even stick around to watch the air bubbles disappear from the water, they get back into their car and leave the scene.

Even when you burn down a swarms nest, you're sure to still be stung.

The Black Widow | JANICE | TNN ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now