I Selected You - SAW Pt. 10

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As Roger's death by yet another one of Janice's unbeatable games had taken place, she felt untouchable. News still hadn't gotten back to John about, or so she believed.

As she sat at her desk at head office, she pulled out a black note book she opened it to a list of potential 'subject' names, drawing a large red line across Roger's name to join along side Reece and Mia's names, she tapped the pen against her chin gently as she tried to make a decision.

Who would next?

John had sent her details over for the new apprentice Lydia.
His reason?
He despises bullies, the young girl had a reputation for not only being a bully, but being lazy.
He thought she would do well to learn the value of life.

But where would the fun in that?
Janice thought to herself.

As she dragged her pen down the list of names there's one that catches her eye almost immediately
As she draws a circle round the name she smiles to herself.

It would be a shame for Charlotte to live without her mean little redhead.
And just like that, Janice had chosen her next subject, there was no real reason for her to pick the brunette, other than she didn't like her.
Once again, going against John Kramers purpose.

She gets to work, trying to decide on which trap would be best for Charlotte that she was able to rig to be certain of her death.

The Nerve Gas room?
Nah... too slow.

The Mausoleum?
That could be easy to escape, even rigged.

As she thinks hard, it then hits her.
The perfect trap, painful, tortuous and immediate death.

The Angel Trap.

A key hidden in quick dissolving acid, if Charlotte is even able to retrieve the key, the device however, will be hooked deep within the woman's rib cage, meaning even with a key.. she will be unable to escape, once the 60 second timer runs out, all of her ribs will be ripped from her body.

It was perfect.

With her plan set in place, she decided before she put it into catching she had earned a drink.
A dry martini with one olive.

She makes her way out of the office, telling the receptionist to be sure to lock up correctly when leaving. She makes her way to her car, the sound of her high heels echoing into the silent dark night, as she reaches into her hand bag to pull out her car keys she's approached by two figures in pig masks.

"What the fuck is this?"
She asks, trying to back up away from them, only to feel a sharp electric shock in her back, as she falls to the floor she looks up to not only the two tall figures in masks, but third person in the same mask, slightly shorter than the other two.

Janice doesn't know who they are, as far as she was led to believe she was the only apprentice.

The two taller figures remove their masks to show their faces, in front of her stood Autumn and Vivian smiling down at the woman, but they weren't genuine smiles, they were smiles full of hatred for the woman.

"Surprised to see us?"
Vivian asks.

"What the fuck do you both think you're doing!?"
Janice screams at them.

Vivian looks at Autumn to allow her to talk.
"You didn't think, we didn't know about your rigged games? Reece was innocent. And the pain you put Siobhan through, wasn't of johns wishes."

The two woman then bring their attention to the smaller figure as they walk towards Janice with a slight limp as they use the electric rod they used in her as a cane before removing their masks.

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