Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Hear No Evil. - SAW Pt. 6

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As Roger sits in his hot tub, and lights a Cuban cigar he awaits for a meeting that was about to take place, he had recruited someone to work on the inside of the Knignt Nursery, between doing their actual job, and the real reason they were employed.

To feed information back to him whenever they deemed it to be appropriate.

As the door to the office opens, his spy pops their head in and enters the room.
Roger barely lifts his head up to look in their direction, but he addresses them nonetheless.

"Ah, you're here. Thank you for seeing me at such short notice, I suspect you're here to give me the details I asked for on the nurse?"
He asks, as he looks out the large window.

The spy approaches Roger at his hot tub, with their hands clasped in front of them as they held their chin high, cracking not so much as a smile as they fed the older man the information he had been so desperately trying to seek.

"Yes. I've watched Siobhan and the Nurse for some time now as you instructed, her names Vivian, she's rather new in town, seems to have taking a liking to Siobhan. Now I can't be certain, however I am pretty sure the two are having an affair within the nursery walls, the family room to be exact."

The spy gives Roger what he wanted.
He raises an eyebrow at them and takes one long drag on his cigar.

"Ah, yes. The 'important meetings.' Very well. I'll deal with this matter at hand and make sure the nurse is taking care of. You may leave now."
He says as he gestures his hand for the spy to leave the room.

The spy nods and turns on their heel and leaves to go back to the Knight Nursery.
Roger knew there was something going on with Siobhan, she seemed too happy for his liking, whenever he questioned her on this, she told him she just had a good day at work, he knew she was lying.

And it all made sense now.
His lover was inlove with a woman.
And he wouldn't let either of them make a fool of him.

He closes his eyes and puts his cigar out to unwind for a while.
As he has his eyes closed, he notices there is an eerily silence falling over the room, the only form of noise in the room, is the flickering of the lights above him in his office.
At first he takes no notice of it, until the flickering becomes more frequent.

He scoffs and gets out of the hot tub, grabbing his robe and storming out the office with the intention of scolding his assistant.
He raises his voice though the lobby.
"I thought I told you to fix the damn bulb!!"

But there's no response, he looks about and starts to approach approach his assistants desk, as he sees a pair of legs peaking out at the side, the older man feels the wind knocked out him as he looks to the floor to see his young female assistant lying in a pool of her own blood with her throat cut opened.

As he turns round he's met with a stranger in a pig mask who jumps him and places another pig mask over his face before dragging him out the building and throwing him into a van.

As the older man comes to, he finds himself sitting alone in what looks like to be a burnt up nursery, or a school. It's difficult to tell, as he has a look around he notices a classroom infront of him with a large question mark painted in red with the phrase
'Speak No Evil' written across the wall.

He approaches the door with caution, at first hesitating in pulling the handle down, he lets out a deep exhale and he pulls the handle down and pushes the door opened, only to be greeted by darkness.

He feels about to see if he can grab onto anything, unable to see infront of his nose, he doesn't notice the trip wire at his ankle, as he walks through causing the lights go on in the room, one by one.

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