The Leathal Bite.

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Siobhan was spending the evening at her house, it was the one night a week she felt a sense of relief from Roger. She knew what he was doing these nights, she wasn't stupid. She knew his lover Janice was over, her replacement, as he liked to point out every so often. She felt a sense of relief but also worry, she knew how Roger treated her and could only hope he didn't do the same to that woman.

The day after Janice's stay was always the worst for Siobhan. She was constantly being compared to her, it's typically when the abuse was at the highest level. As Siobhan pulled up to Roger's house the next day she sat in her car for a moment collecting her thoughts.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking into the house. She knew the drill, same thing every week.

Go inside.
Stay quiet.
Make breakfast.
And wait.

As she entered the house she noticed a black dress laying on the couch, she assumed it belonged to Janice so she didn't even bother touching it. In the kitchen she quickly started making breakfast for Roger, while she was cooking she was quietly humming to herself as a form of comfort.

As soon as she heard footsteps she stopped humming and tensed up. She could feel his presence in the kitchen and the terror inside of her crept out.

"God after such a lovely night I have to wake up to you."
Rodger grumbled as he grabbed his already prepared coffee. Siobhan knew better, she knew that unless she was spoken to directly not to reply.

Roger was stood behind the blonde as he took his first sip of coffee. He made a face before throwing the full mug in her direction narrowly missing her. The hot coffee splashing all over the small woman.

"You're pathetic, you can't even make a coffee right?!" He yelled walking over to her and grabbing a fist full of her hair.

She winced in pain both from his grip and the hot liquid burning through her clothes.
"Roger please that hurts."
Siobhan begged. As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted it.

His free hand went up and he slapped her across the face so hard she lost her balance and tumbled over. Before he had the chance to do anything else there was a knock at the door.

"Get up."
He mumbled before walking to the door.

Siobhan stood slowly her hand holding her face where he had hit her. She couldn't see who was at the door so she just stood and waited. She watched as a dark hair woman walked through the door and headed to the living room, she had only seen Janice one other time at a party a few years back.

The two women locked eyes and Janice's heart dropped at the sight in front of her. She remembered Siobhan from the Halloween ball a year prior. Siobhan was lively, stubborn, strong.
The Siobhan that stood before her now was broken, lifeless, and void of emotion.

It broke Janice's heart to see what Roger had done to that beautiful woman. She knew then Rodger needed to pay for his actions.
"Siobhan it is lovely to see you."
Janice said in her sweet voice. Siobhan just nodded before simply responding,
"Janice, I assume that was your dress that was left behind." 
Janice smirked before nodding. She grabbed her dress and off she went.

(Time skip: Saturday)

Roger was out golfing all day with his friends. Leaving Siobhan home alone to relax a bit. As Siobhan settled in to read a book she heard the doorbell. Siobhan looked shocked when she opened the door.
Janice was stood there with a smirk.

"Roger's not here he's out golfing."
Siobhan simply said rolling her eyes.
"I'm not here for Roger, I'm here to see you."
Janice replied with a wink.
As Siobhan welcomed her in they sat there saying nothing for a while before Janice spoke up.

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