A Widows Heart?

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It had been 4 months since the merger happened. In that time autumn and Reece had successfully took over as owners when they got their father voted out. They kept Janice on as an assistant manager due to the fact they saw some good in her. As they watched the woman interact with the children they thought that deep down she might just have a heart after all.

Little did they know Janice was internally boiling with rage having to come into work everyday to see Marjorie in what was supposed to be her role. She was absolutely disgusted every time she saw Marjorie and Reece together. Seeing them happy and in love just ruined her day.

Even though Roger wasn't around anymore Janice still wanted to get Marjorie out of the nursery for good, but she just didn't know how.

One day she walked past the managers office on her way to take her lunch break when she looked in the window and stopped. Inside sitting all together around Majorie's desk was the couple and their little apprentice Carly.

Janice watched as Reece handed the young girl a bag with two Tesco meal deals inside. She watched as the young girl split them up and took the portions she wanted. The dark haired woman just studied the three of them seeing how Marjorie and Reece treated the girl like their own daughter.

That's when she got an idea.

Janice stormed down to the preschool room and grabbed the unnamed associate pulling them to the family room before shutting and locking the door.

"Janice what the fuck?! I thought you told me we don't talk to eachother in work?!"
They said confused, slightly raising their voice.

"Keep your voice down. I have a job for you. I'll give you 300k for it."
Janice said aggressively.

The associate looked at her with eyes wide.
"Janice... that's nearly triple what you usually pay me.... What do you need done?"
They asked.

Janice smirked.
"I want you to kidnap Carly. Bring her to my vacation home outside of town. Lock her up in the basement. And call me when it's done."
She said with an evil smile.

The associate reluctantly nodded and as they walked out the door Janice stopped them.
"keys under the mat by the way, let yourself in."

The associate didn't even turn around but walked down towards the preschool room to finish their shift.
They cared for Carly very deeply, but they knew if they didn't do what Janice was asking of them, the danger they would be in, but also their family.

As it reached the end of the day Carly was busy wiping tables down in the baby room. She was thinking about her ice cream date with Marjorie and Reece after work and was so excited. All of the sudden she felt strong arms grab her from behind, before she got the chance to scream her mouth and nose were covered with a chloroform rag.
The person wrestled her to the ground until she passed out fully.

The unnamed associated quickly carried her body out the back door and to their car.

"God she's tall" the associated grumbled as they got her into the backseat.

The associate made it to Janice's vacation home where they quickly got out to go find the key. Once the door was unlocked and open they carried the young girl into the house and down to the basement. There was a bed placed in the corner with a chain at the foot of the bed. The associate looked at it in shock.
"clearly this isn't her first time."
They said before placing the girl on the bed and locking the chain around her ankle.

Before the associate left they looked at the sleeping girl, their heart breaking, they were riddled with guilt.
"I'm so sorry... please forgive me, Carly."
they whispered before kissing her head and walking away making sure to lock the basement door on the way out.

The Black Widow | JANICE | TNN ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now