DBC - 10 🥛🎀

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POV: Milk

She carefully inserted the newly acquired battery into her vintage portable cassette player. That Walkman was a rare find, practically a treasure, and she treated it like one. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of music she was about to listen to.

Suddenly, without any warning, she started snapping her fingers to the rhythm of the song as soon as she slipped on her headphones. Her face lit up with pure joy, her entire demeanor brimming with excitement. 

Then, in the cutest, most endearing way, she began dancing in front of me, trying to imitate Elvis's iconic moves. She had no idea she was the only one hearing the music, but that didn't stop her from completely losing herself in the moment.

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Happily, she started singing along, her voice light and carefree.

I watched her, mesmerized, as she twirled around with a carefree grace, her smile radiant. Her innocent performance was amusing, but the lyrics struck me deeper than I expected.

"Don't be cruel... to a heart that's true."

"I don't want no other love
Baby it's just you I'm thinking of, mmh."

Those words stung. If only she knew how cruel I've been my whole life. How much darkness surrounds me. If she understood, would she still dance this way in front of me? Could she still look at me with those bright, trusting eyes? I sighed inwardly, shaken by the contrast between her light and my shadowed existence.

"Don't stop thinking of me
Don't make me feel this way
Come on over here and love me
You know what I want you to say."

"Don't be cruel to a heart that's true."

The melody continued, and there she was, her voice full of playful enthusiasm. She didn't even realize I had started clapping along, utterly captivated by how adorable she was. 

The way she performed—so carefree and genuine—was enough to make me smile inside, something I hadn't done in what felt like forever. I wasn't expecting her to enjoy Elvis this much, but somehow, it fit her. Her spirit was as timeless as the music she cherished.

She was like a living beam of sunlight, effortlessly brightening up my day with her simple joy. I couldn't help but admire how easily she found happiness in these small moments. If only those lyrics weren't so piercing... "Don't be cruel," they said over and over. It's ironic, almost cruel in itself, considering the life I've led.

Every day as a mafia boss, I've lived by cruelty. It's what kept me alive, kept me in control. Cruelty is what separated me from the rest of the world. And yet here she is, an angel in human form, spreading kindness to everyone she meets, completely unaware of the contrast between us.

As she continued to sing, I felt a mixture of admiration and guilt. She didn't know, couldn't know, how far removed I was from the world she so effortlessly embraced. 

But as I watched her, I realized I didn't want to be cruel. Not to her. Not ever.


After removing her headset, she began to share a story.

"Did you know my grandpa was a handsome man who looked just like Elvis? He could sing and dance just like him too! He was Elvis's number one fan, and I'm proud to say that I'm his number one fan after him."

"My grandpa gifted me this awesome Walkman, and I inherited this cassette tape from him. Sadly, it only plays one song now because the tape is so old, but the good news is, what's left is one of my favorite songs— 'Don't Be Cruel.' Isn't that nice? It's such a great reminder to always be kind to someone who's true to you. What an amazing kind of love, isn't it?"

She went on, talking more than she probably intended, but it was adorable. Her openness and the way she talked about her life with such enthusiasm made me smile.

Then suddenly, an idea came to me. I grabbed my phone from my bag and opened one of my music apps. I searched for "Elvis's greatest hits of all time," put the phone on loudspeaker, and hit play.

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Her reaction was immediate. She gasped and screamed in delight, her eyes widening in astonishment. 

"How can that thing play Elvis's songs so clearly and so loud?" she exclaimed. But then, something unexpected happened—her joy turned to tears. Tears of joy, as she whispered softly, "I miss you, old man..."

The music had brought back memories of her grandpa. She looked up towards the sky, gazing out the window of her cottage. "Sing along with me in heaven, will you?" she said, her voice filled with emotion.

I panicked for a second, unsure of what to do, but then a thought hit me. I stood up, and without hesitation, I began dancing like Elvis, mimicking the moves she had been doing earlier. 

To my relief, she burst out laughing, her tears replaced by laughter. We filled the room with giggles and silly dance moves, both of us completely lost in the moment.

I realized then, more than ever, that I never wanted to see her sad. Not this girl. Not her. She deserved all the happiness in the world.

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