DBC - 23 🥛🎀

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POV: Lingling

"I have no choice, Don Panly. It is the godfather's order," I said, my voice tinged with regret. "I'm just fulfilling my role as the grim reaper of this family. If I don't carry out this mission flawlessly, my wife Orm will be in grave danger." I glanced at her, hoping to convey the weight of my words, the burden of my heart.

"So, you have no choice either. We must duel—man to man, fist to fist. I want to make this fair for you before I bring you down," I warned, though every fiber of my being resisted this confrontation. But for the sake of my wife's life and our family's honor, I had to go through with it.

I signaled to my men to remove Don Panly's bindings, preparing her for our inevitable clash. "This fight is more just, given our blood ties. No hard feelings, but I hope you give it your all. I don't want to regret putting you down. And don't worry; I'll make sure your girlfriend joins you in the afterlife."

Before I could finish my sentence, she surged forward, fury in her eyes, landing a powerful punch that struck my face like a thunderclap. The battle had begun.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my angel, or you'll regret every word you just said!" she shouted, unleashing a flurry of blows, each one more impressive than the last. I felt the force of her punches; I knew I was in for the fight of my life. But I had to remind myself that I was the strongest of all my siblings when it came to combat. I could not lose—not when Orm's life hung in the balance.

Our fists flew like the clashing of titans, landing solid hits that left us both bruised and battered. The intensity of our struggle could have easily been mistaken for a scene from an award-winning action film. Each kick, each punch, resonated through the air, and the pain felt almost surreal.

But as the fight wore on, I noticed the tide beginning to turn. Don Panly started to bleed, her strength visibly waning. Was she growing tired? Fear crept into her eyes as she froze for just a moment, grappling with the reality of her situation.

Seizing the opportunity, I pushed forward, my fists raining down upon her, determined to end this once and for all. 

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In a final, brutal series of punches, I forced her to her knees, the fight nearly out of her. She struggled to rise, trembling, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Was she afraid of death? I couldn't dwell on that thought; all I knew was I had to keep going.

But just as I was about to land the final blow, a stern voice shattered the chaos, cutting through the haze of my rage. "Don't you dare do the unthinkable, Don Lingling! You are not that kind of person. Don't listen to the godfather; our mother wouldn't approve of this!"

Don Faye's words jolted me back to reality, tearing me from the abyss of my blinded fury. In an instant, I dropped to my knees, overwhelmed by a wave of despair. I found myself crying, each sob carrying the weight of my choices.

"If only Mother were still alive, none of this would be happening..." I choked out, grief overwhelming my heart.

Then, in a moment of shared pain, Don Faye rushed to embrace me and Don Panly, pulling us both into a tight hug. We all wept together, the anguish of our broken family spilling forth as we clung to one another, realizing that we were stronger together than apart, even in the face of our darkest choices.


POV: Faye

"This is all just a façade, an elaborate act to deceive Don Vito," I explained to the youngest member of our family. Panly was clearly unaware of the darker truths that lurked beneath the surface of our seemingly glamorous lives. I continued, my voice steady but urgent.

"Don Lingling and I have been concealing the truth from everyone. The reality is, we refuse to participate in the detestable business dealings or the villainous commands issued by the godfather. When I saw the shock flicker across Panly's face, I noticed her composure waver slightly beside her seemingly beloved girl, Ciize.

"She is not truly a grim reaper; it is merely an act," I elaborated. "Every time she is assigned to eliminate an enemy causing trouble, she doesn't end their life. Instead, she teaches them a lesson, giving them a chance to change and redeem themselves, with the condition that they never return to their wrongdoings. After that, she constructs a fake scenario to convince everyone that she has carried out the grim mission."

I took a deep breath before adding, "As for me, I have never participated in any illegal practices or businesses. My position as CEO is the result of hard work in legitimate enterprises that generate lawful revenue. The reason I want to set you up with a contract marriage is purely protective. If Don Vito discovers that you haven't fulfilled the cruel mission he assigned to you, having a powerful family behind you will ensure your safety."

"It's simply our way of watching your back," I reassured her. "Both Lingling and I genuinely care for you, even if we have kept the truth hidden. I didn't realize how much harm it would cause to keep this from you. Deep down, we are just like our late mother—people with pure hearts who could never commit such villainous acts. Yet, we find ourselves trapped by our father's commands, mere puppets in his scheme. Ultimately, though, goodness prevails in our family. Despite our efforts to maintain the image of a mafia, we have all grown up to be good people."

Don Panly tried to voice her own thoughts, her eyes troubled. "But I've committed many cruel acts; I've hurt countless people in my role as the family's punisher. I've also participated in illegal activities on the black market."

Lingling stepped in to clarify, her voice softening. "It's all a fabrication. I constructed that act to make you believe you were fulfilling your duties, but the truth is, Don Faye and I have always taken care of you. We've even taken turns absorbing the backlash for your actions. We never wanted to see our youngest harmed. I'm sorry; I was blinded by the threats we faced, but I should have known better." Her heartfelt apology hung in the air, a solemn reminder of our shared burden.

"I believe it's time we reveal everything to Don Vito once and for all," I declared, a newfound determination igniting within me. "Let's share the secrets about our mother. Perhaps, just maybe, he will begin to treat this family with the respect and care it deserves."

With that, we steeled ourselves for the confrontation that lay ahead, preparing to face the final boss of our lives.

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