~Chapter 1~

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It was a warm Saturday afternoon in Seoul, the sun shining brightly as the bustling streets came alive with activity. Bangchan was taking a break from his part-time job at a local bookstore, where he worked to save up for his dreams of becoming a music producer. He had always loved music, but right now, he was content to get lost in the pages of novels during his downtime.

As he settled on a bench in the nearby park, the scent of blooming cherry blossoms filled the air. He took a deep breath, savoring the moment, when suddenly he heard laughter nearby. Curiosity piqued, he glanced up to see a group of friends enjoying a picnic under a tree. One of them stood out—a tall guy with a bright smile and sparkling eyes, effortlessly charming everyone around him.

Seungmin, a university student studying music, was known for his warm personality and infectious laughter. He had decided to spend the day with his friends, enjoying the beautiful weather and sharing his love for music through spontaneous performances on his guitar.

Bangchan’s attention was drawn to Seungmin as he strummed a cheerful tune, his friends joining in with laughter and clapping. There was something captivating about the way Seungmin lit up the space around him, and Bangchan felt a pull of curiosity.

Before he could think twice, Bangchan stood up and wandered over. He had seen Seungmin around the neighborhood, but they had never officially met. As he approached, Seungmin caught sight of him, his smile widening.

“Hey! Do you want to join us?” Seungmin called out, his voice warm and inviting.

Bangchan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, stepping closer. “Sure! I heard your music from over there. It sounded amazing!”

“Thanks! I’m Seungmin,” he said, extending a hand. “And you are?”

“Bangchan,” he replied, shaking Seungmin’s hand, feeling an electric spark of connection.

As the afternoon wore on, they talked and laughed, sharing stories and getting to know each other. Bangchan felt at ease around Seungmin, who had an innate ability to make him feel welcomed. The other friends in the group soon noticed the chemistry between them, exchanging knowing glances.

“Alright, let’s play a game!” one of Seungmin’s friends suggested. They pulled out a deck of cards and decided to play a friendly round of “Kings.” The game was simple, filled with laughter and friendly banter.

As the game progressed, Bangchan couldn’t help but steal glances at Seungmin, who was animatedly engaging with everyone, his laughter ringing like music in the air. Each time their eyes met, Bangchan felt his heart race, a warmth spreading through him that he couldn’t quite explain.

After a while, the group decided to take a break and share some snacks. Seungmin had brought his homemade kimbap, and he excitedly offered Bangchan a piece.

“Try this! I made it myself,” Seungmin said, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Bangchan took a bite, and his eyes widened in delight. “This is really good! How did you make it taste so amazing?”

“It’s all about the right balance of ingredients,” Seungmin explained, his passion evident. “And a sprinkle of love!”

Bangchan chuckled, feeling the tension in his shoulders ease. “Well, I think you’ve got a talent for both cooking and music.”

“Thanks! I try,” Seungmin replied, a hint of shyness creeping into his voice. They exchanged smiles, the atmosphere around them electric with unspoken feelings.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the park, Seungmin suggested they take a walk along the river. Bangchan eagerly agreed, wanting to spend more time with this captivating stranger who had unexpectedly brightened his day.

A Change Encounter~ ChanminWhere stories live. Discover now