~Chapter 8~

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The familiar jingle of the café door rang in Bangchan's ears as he stepped inside. The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped him, wrapping around him like a comforting embrace. This café had been their refuge during the early days of their relationship—a place where they could escape the world and simply be.

He spotted Seungmin seated at a small table by the window, his gaze focused outside. For a moment, Bangchan felt a rush of nostalgia. Memories flooded back, each one a reminder of the laughter, the shared secrets, and the love they had once felt.

“Hey,” Bangchan said softly, pulling Seungmin from his thoughts.

Seungmin turned, and a flicker of recognition sparked in his eyes. “Hey,” he replied, offering a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

They settled into a comfortable silence, sipping their drinks as the world outside passed by. The atmosphere felt heavy, as if the air itself carried the weight of their unspoken words.

“Thanks for coming,” Seungmin finally broke the silence. “I needed to talk to you.”

“Yeah, me too,” Bangchan admitted, his heart pounding with the uncertainty of what was to come. But as they spoke, something began to shift within him. The initial rush of emotions he had felt upon seeing Seungmin began to wane.

As they talked about their lives, the changes that had taken place, and the paths they had chosen, Bangchan couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Seungmin seemed distant, as if a barrier had formed between them.

“So… how’s everything going with Lia?” Bangchan asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Seungmin's expression flickered, and for a brief moment, vulnerability shone through. “It’s... complicated,” he said slowly, his gaze dropping to the table.

Bangchan felt a pang in his chest, a mixture of hurt and longing. It was hard to see Seungmin sitting there, knowing that he was with someone else. But before he could dwell on it, Seungmin spoke again.

“I didn’t think I would see you again, you know? After everything…”

The unspoken weight of their past hung heavily in the air, and Bangchan’s heart clenched. He had come here hoping to rekindle something, to find solace in their shared history, but instead, he felt an emptiness growing between them.

“Yeah, me neither,” Bangchan replied, his voice thick with unexpressed feelings. “It’s weird being back here without... without what we had.”

Seungmin looked up, and for a moment, their eyes locked. Bangchan could see the flicker of emotions in Seungmin’s gaze—a hint of regret, of nostalgia, and maybe even a trace of love.

“Do you still think about us?” Seungmin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Bangchan’s heart raced. “Sometimes. But it feels like a lifetime ago. We were kids back then.”

“Yeah,” Seungmin sighed, and Bangchan noticed the way his shoulders slumped, as if carrying an invisible weight. “I’ve moved on, you know. I’m happy now.”

But Bangchan could hear the uncertainty in his voice, a contradiction to the words he spoke. “Are you really?”

A moment of silence stretched between them before Seungmin answered, “I think so. It’s just... hard to let go of everything.”

In that moment, Bangchan felt an overwhelming sense of longing. The realization hit him like a wave: Seungmin was still with Lia, and even if he had moved on, Bangchan’s heart was still tethered to their past. He loved Seungmin, and it hurt to know that his heart was pounding for someone who was no longer his.

“I guess we’ve both changed,” Bangchan said softly, a bittersweet smile forming on his lips.

Seungmin nodded, but there was a flicker of pain in his eyes. “Yeah, I guess we have.”

As they continued to talk, Bangchan couldn’t shake the feeling that this meeting would be a defining moment in their lives. They were two strangers sitting across from each other, bound by memories yet separated by their choices.

“I should go,” Seungmin said suddenly, breaking the silence. “I have things to take care of.”

Bangchan nodded, feeling a heaviness settle in his chest. “Yeah, of course.”

As Seungmin stood to leave, their eyes met once more, and for a brief moment, it felt as though the world around them had faded away.

“I miss us,” Bangchan confessed, the words slipping out before he could stop them.

Seungmin's expression softened, a flicker of something—hope, regret, or maybe longing—crossing his face before he turned away. “Me too, Chan. Me too.”

And with that, Seungmin walked away, leaving Bangchan alone in the café, surrounded by memories of what once was and the bittersweet ache of unrequited love...

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