~Chapter 9~

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Bangchan lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the darkness enveloped him. The ticking of the clock echoed in the silence, each second a reminder of his racing thoughts. The weight of the Bahng company, the unresolved feelings for Seungmin, and the uncertainty of his future pressed down on him like a heavy blanket.

His mind was a chaotic whirlwind, filled with images of Seungmin—the way he laughed, the warmth of his smile, and the bittersweet memories of their time together. But mixed with those memories was the stark reality of their separation and how far they had drifted apart.

Bahng Lucas, his youngest sibling, was oblivious to his struggles, engrossed in his own world of school and friends. Bahng Hannah, the middle child, often seemed caught up in her own dreams, unaware of the burden her brother carried. Bangchan felt isolated, trapped in his own mind as he tried to navigate the complexities of adulthood without a clear path.

The pressure was suffocating. He had always been the one to hold everything together, the responsible elder brother, but now he felt like he was losing grip on everything he held dear. The weight of the family company loomed over him, a legacy he had never wanted but was now forced to carry.

As the hours slipped by, sleep eluded him, and the darkness deepened. He could no longer bottle up his emotions—the frustration, the sadness, the sense of helplessness. The thoughts raced through his mind like a relentless tide, pushing him toward a breaking point.

In a moment of despair, he found himself standing on the bridge overlooking the Han River. The city lights twinkled in the distance, a stark contrast to the darkness enveloping him. He felt a pull toward the water, a longing to escape the pain that had become his constant companion.

Tears streamed down his face as he looked out over the edge, the cold night air biting at his skin. “What have I become?” he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible above the gentle lapping of the water against the shore.

His heart raced, a mixture of fear and desperation. He thought of his siblings—Lucas and Hannah—and how much they would miss him. But the thought of continuing to carry the weight of expectations, of a future he didn’t want, felt unbearable.

With a deep breath, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the pain that had consumed him. “I’m so tired,” he murmured, and in that moment, he felt an overwhelming sense of release.

Without another thought, he jumped, the cool air rushing past him as he fell. The world around him blurred, and for a brief moment, he felt free—liberated from the burden he had carried for so long.

But as he hit the water, the shock of the cold enveloped him, pulling him into its depths. Panic surged within him as he struggled to stay afloat, the realization of what he had done hitting him like a wave.

He gasped for air, his mind racing with regret and fear. “What have I done?” he thought, the reality of his actions crashing down on him.

The icy water wrapped around him like chains, dragging him deeper into darkness. He fought against the current, his body thrashing as he tried to find the surface. But exhaustion quickly overwhelmed him, and the cold seeped into his bones, numbing his will to fight.

As the light above began to fade, he felt a haunting calm wash over him. The memories of Seungmin flooded back—of laughter, of love, of moments that felt like a lifetime ago. The bittersweet ache of nostalgia filled his heart as he thought of what could have been, what he had lost.

With each passing moment, the struggle became weaker. The water embraced him, cradling him as if to say it was okay to let go. He remembered the warmth of Seungmin’s smile, the way his heart had raced with love, and in that moment, he longed for the comfort of their connection one last time.

“Seungmin…” he whispered, his voice a mere bubble in the water. The name lingered on his lips as he surrendered to the darkness, his body growing heavier, his spirit slipping away.

And in that final moment, as the water enveloped him completely, Bangchan felt an overwhelming sense of peace. He had fought long enough, and now it was time to rest. The weight of the world fell away, leaving only silence.

As the Han River flowed quietly, it became the final resting place for a boy who had loved deeply but had lost his way. And as the city continued to bustle above, Bangchan’s story came to a tragic end, a poignant reminder of the burdens carried in silence.

But no one knew, what was the last thing he left for them.. "Suicide note of Bahng Christopher Chan" written with.. blood?..

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