~Chapter 11~

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Ten years had passed since the day Bangchan had left this world, and with each passing year, the regret that settled in Seungmin’s heart grew heavier, like a dark cloud refusing to lift. He had tried to move on, to build a life without his first love, but the ache of loss lingered like a haunting melody, echoing in the corridors of his mind.

Seungmin sat at the small dining table in his modest apartment, the sound of laughter echoing through the walls as his children played in the next room. Kim Seojin and Kim Seokjin, vibrant and full of life, filled his heart with a joy that often felt bittersweet. Their giggles reminded him of the laughter he once shared with Bangchan, and it stung with the knowledge that their smiles were tainted by secrets he could never escape.

“Dad! Come play with us!” Seojin called, her bright eyes shining with excitement.

“Just a moment, sweetie,” Seungmin replied, forcing a smile as he tried to push aside the heaviness in his chest.

Lia, his wife, walked into the room, her presence a bittersweet reminder of choices he regretted every single day. They had married shortly after Bangchan’s death, drawn together by grief and the need for companionship. But as time passed, the cracks in their relationship began to show, and the love they once shared felt more like an obligation than a connection.

Seungmin watched Lia as she moved about the kitchen, her laughter ringing out like a chime. Yet, in the back of his mind, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. The way she often glanced at her phone, the hushed whispers when she thought he wasn’t listening—it all felt wrong.

It wasn’t until that fateful evening that the truth came crashing down like a tidal wave. The air in the room felt thick as Seungmin watched Lia and Yeonjun, his childhood friend, exchange glances that spoke volumes. They had always been close, but tonight, the tension was palpable.

“Seungmin, we need to talk,” Lia said, her voice trembling slightly as she approached him, her expression serious.

“What is it?” he asked, heart racing as he sensed the impending storm.

“It’s about the kids… and us,” she said, swallowing hard. “There’s something you need to know.”

Seungmin’s stomach twisted with dread as he motioned for them to sit. He could see Yeonjun lingering in the background, his expression unreadable. “What’s going on?”

Lia took a deep breath, her hands shaking as she looked into Seungmin’s eyes. “Seojin and Seokjin… they’re not really yours.”

Time seemed to freeze, and the world around him faded into silence. “What do you mean?” he asked, confusion and anger swirling within him.

“They’re Choi’s. They’re Yeonjun’s,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Seungmin’s heart shattered at her words, the realization hitting him like a sledgehammer. “You cheated on me?” The betrayal cut deeper than any wound he had ever felt. “With him?”

Yeonjun stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. “We didn’t mean for it to happen, Seungmin. It was a mistake, but Lia and I… we fell in love. I’m sorry you had to find out like this.”

Seungmin felt like the ground had been pulled from beneath him. The children—his children—were not his. They bore the resemblance of the man who had always been his friend, the one who had stood beside him during their youth. It was a betrayal that twisted the knife in his heart even further.

“I can’t believe this,” Seungmin whispered, tears pooling in his eyes. “How could you do this to me? After everything we’ve been through?”

Lia reached out for him, but he recoiled, anger and sadness mixing into a storm of emotions. “You’ve been lying to me this entire time! I thought we were building a life together, but it was all a facade!”

The pain in his chest felt unbearable as he thought of Bangchan, the love he had lost, and the choices he had made in an attempt to fill the void. He had thought marrying Lia would bring him some semblance of happiness, but instead, he was left with the hollow ache of betrayal.

“Seungmin, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Lia pleaded, her voice breaking. “I love you, but I love him too.”

Seungmin shook his head, his heart heavy with disappointment. “You can’t love both of us. You made a choice, and now I have to live with the consequences.”

He stood up abruptly, the weight of the world crashing down around him. “I need time to think. I can’t… I can’t be here right now.”

As he walked out into the night, the cool air enveloped him, but it did little to soothe the flames of anguish that raged within. He found himself at the riverside, the same spot where he had lost Bangchan all those years ago. The moonlight shimmered on the water, and for a moment, he felt a deep connection to his past, to the love he had lost.

“Bangchan,” he whispered into the night, the name echoing in the silence. “I’m so sorry. I should have fought for you.”

The memories flooded back—every laugh, every shared secret, every moment of pure happiness. The guilt washed over him, and for the first time in years, he allowed himself to grieve for what could have been.

As the tears fell, Seungmin realized that he had to confront his past, not just for Bangchan, but for himself. He had spent too long living in the shadows of regret, and it was time to face the truth.

“I will find a way to make this right,” he promised the night sky. “For you, Bangchan. For us.”

And as he stood by the river, he felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. The path ahead would be difficult, but he was determined to honor the love he had lost and the life he had yet to live...

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