~Chapter 5~

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As the semester progressed, the pressure on Seungmin intensified. His parents’ relentless insistence on prioritizing academics over everything else weighed heavily on him, pulling him deeper into a state of conflict. He felt torn between the passion that ignited his spirit and the expectations that threatened to extinguish it.

One evening, as he sat in his dorm room surrounded by textbooks, Seungmin received another call from his parents. Their conversation was a familiar cycle of disappointment and demands.

“Seungmin, you need to focus. Your grades are slipping, and you can’t afford to waste your time with music anymore,” his mother’s voice echoed through the phone, laced with concern that bordered on frustration.

“But Mom, I—”

“No ‘buts,’ Seungmin! We’re making sacrifices so you can have a future. You need to come home to Busan and concentrate on your studies.”

Seungmin's heart sank. He had been dreading this moment, the moment his parents would take him away from everything he loved. “I can’t just abandon my music. It’s part of who I am.”

“Part of who you are?” his father interjected sharply. “You’re an aspiring student, not an artist. You need to make choices that will benefit your future.”

With a heavy heart, Seungmin acquiesced. “Fine. I’ll come home.”

As he hung up the phone, tears welled in his eyes. The thought of leaving behind the life he had begun to build—his friendships, his passion, and especially Bangchan—felt like a betrayal to himself. But the weight of his parents’ expectations was too much to bear, and he didn’t know how to fight against it.

Meanwhile, Bangchan was finishing his final year at university. The culmination of five years of hard work and dedication was closing in, and he was excited yet anxious about the future. However, a hollow feeling settled in his chest. He noticed Seungmin’s absence more and more. Their late-night songwriting sessions had dwindled to nothing, and the laughter that once filled the air had faded into silence.

Bangchan tried to reach out, sending texts and making calls, but each attempt went unanswered. He felt abandoned, lost in the memories of their shared moments, desperately hoping for Seungmin’s return.

As graduation approached, the reality of their diverging paths became painfully clear. Bangchan sat in his favorite café one afternoon, sipping coffee and staring out the window, lost in thought.

“Hey, you okay?” A familiar voice pulled him from his reverie. It was Felix, his friend and fellow musician, sitting down across from him.

“Not really,” Bangchan admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I haven’t heard from Seungmin in weeks. It’s like he just vanished.”

Felix frowned. “I know how close you two were. Have you tried calling him?”

“Of course, but he doesn’t pick up. It’s just… frustrating. I thought we were in this together. I thought he was my partner, and now he’s just gone.”

“Maybe he’s just busy with school?” Felix suggested, though he could see the worry etched on Bangchan’s face.

“Busy? Or avoiding me?” Bangchan scoffed, leaning back in his chair, his frustration bubbling over. “I can’t help but feel like he’s moving on without me. And now, with graduation coming up, I’m afraid he won’t be a part of my life anymore.”

Felix reached across the table, placing a hand on Bangchan’s. “Chan, you know relationships can be complicated, especially when school and family are involved. Don’t jump to conclusions. You should try talking to him one more time.”

Bangchan sighed, his heart heavy with doubt. “I don’t even know if he wants to talk to me. It feels like he forgot about me.”

“Then you have to remind him,” Felix urged. “You can’t let fear hold you back. Send him a message. Let him know you’re still here.”

With a reluctant nod, Bangchan decided to take Felix’s advice. He pulled out his phone and typed a message to Seungmin.

Hey, it’s been a while. I miss you. I hope you’re okay. I just wanted to check in. Let me know when you can.

As he hit send, a wave of anxiety washed over him. Would Seungmin respond? Did he even want to? The uncertainty gnawed at him, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong.

Days passed without a reply, and Bangchan’s worry deepened. He found himself daydreaming about Seungmin’s smile, the way his eyes lit up when they wrote music together, and how effortlessly they connected. The silence felt like a weight pressing down on him.

On the other side, Seungmin packed his bags in silence, preparing to return to Busan. He tried to focus on his studies, but the thought of leaving Bangchan behind clouded his mind. Each item he packed felt like a piece of his heart being left behind.

He couldn’t shake the guilt that had settled in his chest, knowing he had let Bangchan down. But his parents’ words echoed louder, reminding him of the responsibilities he had to uphold. He felt like he was walking a tightrope, balancing the weight of his family’s expectations and his love for music.

Finally, the day came for him to leave. As he stood at the bus terminal, heart heavy with regret, he glanced at his phone one last time. No messages from Bangchan. The absence felt like a knife, cutting deeper than he could bear.

As the bus pulled away, Seungmin pressed his forehead against the window, watching the world blur past him. He felt as though he was leaving behind more than just a place; he was leaving behind a part of himself, a part that he didn’t know if he would ever regain.

Back in the city, Bangchan stood on the university campus, feeling lost amid the laughter and celebrations of graduation. He had achieved so much, yet all he could think about was Seungmin—his absence felt like a void that swallowed up the joy around him.

As his classmates celebrated their achievements, Bangchan found himself withdrawing, standing alone as the realization hit him hard: the person he cared for the most was gone, and he had no idea if they would ever find their way back to each other...

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