Chapter 11

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"Masters," Obiwan greeted the 4 council members as he strolled down the ship's ramp with Anakin and Ashoka following closely behind.

"Master Kenobi," Mace nodded. "Skywalker, Tano."

"Hello masters," Ashoka smiled at the four.

"Masters," Anakin greeted as they all began to make their way toward the ancient temple. "Rex is setting up a perimeter around the temple approximately 2 clicks out. We'll know about any potential problems before they have the chance to strike."

"Good, good." Yoda nodded. "We have completed the preparations. Begin this evening, we shall."

Obi-wan spared a quick glance at Anakin before turning his attention back to the temple as they walked through the main entrance.

"We will try to open the path as close to her location as we can, but we can't promise it will be nearby. Skywalker," Windu turned his focus to the jedi knight. "You think you can use the connection to track her down?"

He nodded confidently in response. "I'm sure. If I can already sense her feelings and emotions this well and we are so far apart, I'm sure it will be amplified once we're on the same planet."

"Then it's settled. Rest for now, we will. In three standard hours, meet us in the sanctuary, you should." Yoda knocked his cane on the ground. "Come, Young Skywalker. Sense your questions, I do."

Yoda led Anakin to a smaller room within the crumbling temple - the old meditation room. Yoda took his seat on a small cushion in the center of the dim room, and nodded toward Anakin.

"What worries you?"

Anakin was silent for a moment and turned his head to look out the only small window in the room. Truthfully, there were a lot of things bothering him. How the mission would go, if they would return safely to their own reality, if there was truly a risk for attack, the sith who was watching Havena, etc. He wasn't sure where to begin.

"Perhaps the beginning, young Skywalker." Yoda confirmed, as if knowing Anakin's dilemma. "Time we have plenty of."

The Jedi knight drew in a short breath and exhaled slowly. "The prophecy... the 2nd part... how do we know it's real? It said... it said that she's supposed to save me from death and the darkness. What does that mean? Am I going to..."

Yoda sighed. "Misread and misunderstood prophecies can be. They are tricky to interpret. But regardless, return to the force some day we all will." He said. "Heed your feelings on the matter. Focus on one's fate, we should not. Live in the present we should."

"But what does it mean by darkness? Master, all those years ago you told me that you could sense the fear in me. The darkness. Is that..."

"Unknown the future truly is. But in your favor the end should be, if the prophesy was interpreted correctly." He gave the man a knowing look and adjusted himself on his cushion. "Protect you she is meant to do."

"She's never been trained in the force. How could she protect me if she can't protect herself? Will she be trained when we return to coroscant?" Anakin leaned forward, already knowing the answer but clinging to hope.

"No." Master Yoda declared. "Much too old she is. The temple is safe, there she should stay. Protected she will be."

"Master Yoda that's- that's unfair. If her midichlorian count is almost as big as mine-"

"She will be safe. But much too old she is to train. Discussed this the council has."

Anakin tried, and failed, to mask his discontent. He clenched his fist and then released it, closing his eyes as he breathed out.

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