Chapter 2

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He only regained consciousness the next morning with Ron knocking on the door.

"Young master, are you awake? I didn't want to disturb you, you seemed busy."

He quickly stood up before giving Ron permission to enter the office.

"It looks like you slept well." He commented, noting Cale's messy state, from those clothes to that hair.

" Yes." The response was quick and a little annoyed. How could he not do it when he had spent the night passed out on the floor?! In addition to that, he knew very well the symptoms he had resembled an anaemia attack that he was experiencing at the time. What a bad luck to even have here?!

« I still don't feel very well, my head is still spinning... » Before, he treated his attacks by sleeping, eating or taking his medication although the latter was more effective, but he couldn't do it here.

"Young master you should wash up and then you can have lunch with the rest of the Henituse family."

"Couldn't I do this first in the office?" He wasn't convinced he could walk without passing out a second time.

"Young master..."

"Ah, okay." He sighed but ended up following him his steps were slow. Plus, he was in pain now, he must have hurt himself when he fell yesterday, he unconsciously put a hand on his side and groaned in pain when he touched it.

« Damn, it hurts, how am I supposed to explain this now? »

Of course, Ron noticed the whole scene with a frown, but he didn't worry too much, thinking of it being the result of alcohol.

Once he got to his room, he sent Ron away so he could get ready alone.

When he entered the bathroom, he took off his clothes and he could see a bruise on his body exactly where he hit himself.

"Oh great." He quickly took his bath and dressed alone so as not to arouse Ron's suspicions. Once out, he headed towards the dining room, following the butler.

During the meal, he ate more than usual to calm his painful head, his family noticed the change, they saw the good side since the food seemed to be to his liking for once. Deruth took note o to complimenting the chef, his son seemed happy to eat. Their gaze didn't leave Cale the whole time, but he didn't seem to notice, he thought they were just keeping an eye on their problematic son, he couldn't blame them it was true after all.

Once he had finished, he got up from the table, but his movement was too abrupt, he had forgotten the bruise on his body. He groaned in pain as he held his side again, his family who were keeping an eye on him noticed. Count Deruth was already standing, being close to come to help him but Ron was faster.

"Son, are you okay? Hans call a doctor right away!"

Hans was about to run to carry out his lord's order but was stopped by Cale.

" There is no need! Ron just helps me back to my room."

He didn't give the count time to say anything, he was escorted back to his room by the butler. Once he arrived, Ron opened the door and sat him down on his bed.

"Young master, do you need anything, a healing potion? Allow his servant to see the wound."

"It's nothing Ron, there's no need to worry, I just got up too quickly." Which wasn't really a lie after all.

He frowned at what his young master said he knew full well that he was lying or at least partly but at the same time he didn't understand why he seemed to be hurt, he didn't go out yesterday and he didn't seem to hurt yesterday morning when he woke him up either, he remembered dressing him he didn't see anything on his body. Did something happen in the county that he didn't know about? Without him knowing it, he was starting to be worried about his charge, he was going to have to watch him more carefully.

He left the room to let his young master rest, he waited for him at the door of his room. A few hours later his young master came out of his room, he seemed to have dressed to go out.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, I'm going out. Don't look for me."

Don't look for me. This was Cale's code for letting Ron know he was leaving the estate near the back of town to go drinking. Every time he did this, Ron would just smile and tell him to have a safe trip.

"Aren't you going to the office today?"

But for some reason, Ron asked a rare question today. Cale started to frown.

"Ron, I don't think this is something you need to worry about."

"...I understand, young master. I will wait for you."

Cale's forehead began to show even more wrinkles after Having heard that Ron would be waiting for him.

" Do not wait for me."

With that Cale left the county without knowing that his butler was following him closely. He then took a carriage to arrive at his destination.

"Young master is this the right place?" The driver asked cautiously as he opened the door. He then glanced at the store in front of him. The driver's face was clearly filled with confusion.

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