Chapter 11

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When the carriage arrived at the inn, Cale was asked to wait until everything was ready so that he could then go straight to his room.

Once Hans had finished organizing everything, Cale was finally able to go, but everyone kept bothering him to rest immediately. He had to tell them almost a hundred times that he was fine before they would leave him alone, even though they continued to hover around him to check on him.

Once he had some peace in his room for a few minutes, he asked Ron to bring him the items he had requested from Billos. Although he was curious as to why Cale was asking, he did not say anything, hoping that Cale would.

Once he handed it over and simply received it back, Ron thought Cale's behavior was suspicious; he needed to watch him more carefully.

Pushing aside the kittens that approached him, he opened the box. The method for opening a box with a magic lock was simple: Cale's fingerprint. It was the only key that could open this particular box. Cale placed his index finger in the center of the magic seal.

The box made a small noise before opening.

Inside were the items Cale had prepared over the four days before he left for the capital.

"I'm really curious what it is."

"Really curious."

Cale ignored the two pairs of golden pupils staring at him and responded vaguely, "Things that will help save a poor soul, screw up some assholes, and keep me from getting hurt."

On and Hong looked at it curiously, but Cale simply fondled the items inside the box with satisfaction.

Cale grabbed one of the items from the box: a round, black orb with many symbols engraved on it. The ginger kitten, Hong, put his paws on Cale's knee to ask him, "Really curious about this?"

"It's a mana disruption tool. That is worth almost a billion gallons." Cale replied.

On and Hong let out a scream.

"It cost 20 million gallons just to rent it." Cale added.

Hong slowly lowered the paws that were on Cale's knee before walking towards the corner of the bed with his sister, On. They tried to keep as much distance from the black orb as possible. Cale looked at the note that came with the item, explaining how it worked. Billos had found exactly the item Cale was looking for. He was certainly a good merchant; he even allowed them to be rented under his name on the condition that they returned them intact to the capital.

Cale smiled in satisfaction before tossing the black orb, smaller than the size of a child's fist, toward the kittens crouching in the corner.

One of them was panting, while the other meowed and avoided the black orb, but in the end, they had to sit quietly in front of Cale with the black orb in front of their eyes.

"Do you know how to read a map?" Cale asked.

Their tails tapped the ground in response.

"Of course. At one point, we were potential successors to the Fog Cat tribe."

"Yes, my sister is correct." Hong affirmed.

Cale took another important item out of the box: a map. It was not incredibly detailed, just general landmarks around Henituse territory. Most merchants entering and leaving Henituse territory used this map.

"We are in this village right now," Cale indicated, pointing to the mountain to the right of the village.

"Do you see this mountain?"

"I see it."

"It's very easy to spot. If you head towards this mountain, you will see a villa in the distance. Behind it is a cave."

There were no mages around the Black Dragon at the moment. The people of the Magic Tower respected Dragons as the greatest magical race and did not want humans to torture and domesticate a dragon. They considered it a great shame for magic.

The people around the cave and villa were knights and soldiers whom the marquis trusted, as well as those who did the dirty work for them.

"Don't go near there at all. You cannot get caught." Cale cautioned.

Cale had heard about the situation of these two children. That was why he was confident they could do it, but he still wanted to give them a warning. It would be a shame if their curiosity led them to tour the cave. "There's something being tortured in there. We are going to save him, so you must be careful," Cale explained.


"Yes. He is even younger than you, Hong." Cale replied.

"...Even younger than me ?"

"Yes, only 4 years old." Cale confirmed.

Of course, this 4-year-old was strong enough to send On or Hong flying once the mana restriction chains were removed.

"We're going to save him?" On and Hong's eyes lit up as they pressed the bed with their paws

"Save? Of course. Just stay in your cat form and enter this orb into the mountain without getting caught." Cale instructed.

There should be virtually no chance of getting caught in their cat form. Cale placed the black orb in a small pouch before fastening it around On's neck like a necklace.

"Where should we bury it?" On asked.

"Anywhere on the mountain." Cale replied.

"Really, anywhere?"

"Yes." Cale affirmed.

The siblings looked at each other before nodding.


"We even managed to outrun the elders of our Cat Tribe to escape." On added.

Cale agreed with them.

"This should be easy for both of you. You have enough skills for this. I wouldn't ask someone useless to do something like that in the first place." He said.

The two kits looked at Cale again with their golden pupils. These brothers and sisters, who were almost killed by their own tribe because they had no abilities, even though they never had the chance to learn, were starting to become emotional. Their tails wagged, and they wrinkled their noses to hold back tears.

Cale understood what these two were thinking and continued sternly.

"I will give you as much beef as you want once you successfully return."

The two siblings immediately jumped out of the window and stealthily headed towards the mountain.

Naturally, the siblings did what Cale expected and earned their reward: they got to have a beef steak. After a well-deserved meal, Cale went to bed; he still had a lot to do tomorrow.

The next day, Cale drank the lemonade he was now accustomed to drinking. He asked to speak to Choi Han so they could make plans to save the dragon. Of course, Choi Han immediately agreed to help him. Although his request at the end did more damage to the swordsman and the kittens than the rest of the conversation.

"Go tell Ron to prepare some alcohol upstairs." Cale instructed.

Choi Han looked at him strangely, like the kittens. He then left to warn Ron, but not as Cale thought... Choi Han returned with Ron and his brother Basen, but without the alcohol.

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