Chapter 51

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On the count's side.

The letters finally arrived at their destination.

The king turned pale at the explanation of his advisor who came with the letter.

"I warned him not to do anything stupid!" He sighed heavily, he didn't want to deal with an angry Deruth Henituse who wanted to turn everything upside down to calm down. He had known him for a long time and had seen the result several times too, the most recent was the incident in the square, he still shivers. He doesn't know what Deruth plans to do with the Church of Death, more precisely the guy who got into the county, but Zed wishes them good luck. He just hopes that things will calm down and that he won't have to intervene himself to stop the conflict because he won't have a choice but to be with the Church...


The following letter was received by the most powerful person in the Church of the God of Death.

"How dare a mere count do this to our church?!"

No one dared to say that the bishop had started first by directly attacking the count as noted in the letter. He was simply a father defending his family but then again, young master Cale is important to them.

They must now put this count in his place, recover their bishop and speak peacefully with young master Cale. As much as they can, the young man seems to refuse the attention that their lord pays to him. The Henituse are truly a family that believes itself above all.

After another meeting with their high council, the pope decided to move himself with a dozen priests and many knights in armor, a real small army was present in front of the gate of the Henituse county.

Deruth who was watching this spectacle in front of his window thought that his letter had not been taken seriously, well he recovered his sword and went down to welcome everyone with all the knights of his territory. Even though they weren't that many, they were stronger than normal knights.

The earl walked forward followed by his knights went to meet the pope and the others.

"Hello, earl. I would like-"

"You don't demand anything on my territory, leave before my threats become reality." Deruth lost his patience a long time ago with the man in his cells.

"Can't we just talk with you?"

"The last of the men who came from your home ended up threatening me and attacking my son Basen! I won't listen to any more of your bullshit!" He pulled his sword out of its scabbard and kept it in his hand as a sign of threats.

"I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding, we don't want to hurt any of your family members, or anyone else. Our church does not tolerate violence." The pope tried to appease the furious earl. He was surrounded by people, he had to keep his face and not make a fool of himself.

"I don't believe of your bullshit for the last time go away!" Deruth raised his sword to the man's neck.

"You can't-"

He rolled his eyes, really annoyed. "Always the same speech, no matter your status, you threatened my sons."

The pope frowned and motioned to the men with him. The knights drew their swords and walked past the pope, the count's knights did the same but stayed behind their lord. The two sides were about to fight.

A teleport light appeared between them, the king and his advisor arrived to sort out the mess.

Deruth frowned when he saw Zed arrive while the pope simply smiled.

"Your majesty." The pope greeted him while Deruth didn't move.

"Put away your swords and let's talk." Zed had already disappeared inside the Henituse estate. They took their places in the largest room, the count, the king and his advisor as well as the pope were sitting at the same table, only Deruth had a sullen expression.

It was the king who began to speak first. "I know the place that religion must have in a kingdom but I do not allow you to threaten my people. The first time was perhaps a simple mistake but this time was too much, control your men better otherwise I will be forced to do it for you." Now that that was said the hardest part remained to be done, speak with Deruth.

"Count, if your son is indeed not a saint of the god of death, he will have to confirm it himself and that will avoid more future problems, won't it?"

Deruth was about to protest that his son was traveling, of course the king knew.

"I know the young master is not here, but it's not a problem I have a mage with me."

"And if your good idea hurts my son again, what will you do? Believe me I've been calm until than now." Deruth's smile was wild.

"The palace doctors will be at your disposal if his condition requires it." Zed had no guarantee on the young master's health, the last time was already an accident and he was not really sure what had happened. He had simply been told that the young master Cale was suffering from anemia but without any other explanation. He was certain that it hid something else but Deruth would never tell him anything, their past friendship had practically completely disappeared and with his actions today, he could become an enemy to be taken down for the count. But he had no choice but to act before it got even worse, he did not want a war with the church especially since the other kingdoms were also interested in the young man all this could end very badly. It was terribly complicated, if the young master was to sacrifice himself to calm everyone down, he would take the consequences with Deruth.

"Of course, your doctors can bring him back if he dies, I refuse!" Deruth laughed at his stupid proposal.

"What happened that day was something exceptional and there is little chance that it will happen again." The pope was still trying to be courteous with the king's presence but he was angry in front of this count who had no politeness for anyone.

Deruth simply glared at the pope. "Only I can reach my son and none of you will be able to talk to him!"

"Count, I don't know if you are aware of your situation but it is not good. You are currently holding a high member of the church hostage in addition to your way of behaving with his pope and your king. You could be accused of treason against the kingdom of Roan and blasphemy against the church. In other words, the least you risk is prison."

Deruth knew it, he was risking death but only because those damn guys were all corrupt. And none of them were real family men not even Zed... excuse of father would be a better word.

He scowled at him, god, no that moron was also useless... He didn't care about his own life but it could harm his family.

"Fine, but my son is not a damn saint and if you do him any harm it won't be me you have to answer to but to much more terrifying people and yes it is a threat."

It's all there.

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