Chapter 4

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It took Cale a few hours to wake up, he was a little confused when he saw that he was back in his room at the county, his eyes quickly landed on Ron and the earl although their expressions gave him a hint. It was little scary.

As soon as the count saw that he was awake, he quickly got up to move closer to him.

"Are you okay son?"

" Yes I'm dong well." This is what he was going to answer before seeing the count start to cry.

"I'm sorry son, I was a cowardly father to you... I'm so sorry, I promise I'll try to make it up to you... it's all my fault... I'm sorry, you're now sick because of me..."

Cale's mind completely shut down at the word sick, he unconsciously spoke.

" Sick ?"

"Yes, Ron found you passed out, we notified a doctor and he said that you had been suffering from anemia for several years, why did you hide it from us? Son, I would have taken care of you! You put yourself in danger by hiding it from us!"

«So anaemia exists in this world? I imagine that all the better I could get my medicine back although... » It was the second part of the count's sentence which irritated him a little from what he remembered the old Cale, his father had always avoided him, when he could have talked to him about anything?!

Cale had a scowl on his face.

"How could I say something to you when you couldn't even meet my eyes?!"

"I'm sorry, you're right... I was a bad father I promise to make it up to you if you want of course..."

In front of the count's gaze he couldn't respond negatively, he really looked like a father desperate for his son, although he thought that it was the first Cale who should have heard that and not him but he couldn't do anything do for this.

"...Son the doctor said you need to eat well and take medicine every day to help your condition...I guess you can't walk...I can get you something here.." He was awkward but he really wanted to get it right this time.

Cale immediately got out of bed to show that he was okay but almost fell back before the Count caught him.

"Cale, don't force yourself! I'm going to ask for your meal to be brought back to your room, okay?"

He didn't even have time to answer, he had already left. All that was left was him and Ron, who was looking at him with a strange expression.

"Young master, I want you to tell me immediately if you feel unwell."

Cale nodded, he was afraid he would get killed if he said no.

The count came quickly with a servant who placed various dishes on the table in his room.

"Son, do you need help walking?"

He wanted to refuse but since he had last eaten at lunch he wasn't sure he could do it alone.

" ...Yes thanks... "

Deruth was surprised and a little happy that he accepted.

He grabbed his arm to get him out of bed but even Hold was already holding his head.

"Are you okay, should I call the doctor again?"

"It's okay, I just need to eat something, and take the medicine from the doctor."

With that he brought him back to the table giving him the medicine. Cale took it so he could start eating under the watchful eyes of two worried parents. He was a little embarrassed by their stare but he continued to eat it soothed his headache slightly.

Once he had finished the count took him back to his bed.

"You should go back to sleep, the doctor said it was necessary for your condition."

"Later, I have to go out now."

"Son you can't go out! You need to take a break and rest." He was strongly opposed to this.

"...This is really important..." Cale of course was as stubborn as ever. He also knew that the count never refused anything to his son so he made the expression discourage him as much as he could.

His father gave in, after all his son sounded like he was really sad so he ended up agreeing but with one condition.

"You can go but only if Ron comes with you."

Cale looked at the smiling assassin. This smile made his blood run cold but he could only accept, he didn't really have a choice.

" All right..."

The Count left and Cale and Ron came out.

«I just hope it's not too late...»

Cale recalled the information from the book.

«About 100 steps from the city gate. »

This is the place where Choi Han jumped over the city walls. He quickly headed towards the scene, always accompanied by Ron. There weren't many people on the streets because it was a residential area.

Once arrived at the calculated location.

He looked around and there was no one except two cats looking at him.

«Isn't this the right place? Where did I arrive-»

He couldn't finish his question before someone almost fell on him.

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