Chapter 9

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The last two days have passed peacefully, contrary to his thoughts. Most of the time he just rested, the others took care of everything, he had nothing to do except think about what to do with the dragon.

He was in his bed looking at the ceiling, the two kittens had approached him, they were with him on his bed but not glued to him. They were always a little suspicious.

His gaze passed over them when he remembered the age of the dragon, he too was a young child, but he ended up preferring to die rather than continue living in torture after many years of suffering it. The executioner was from the Marquis Stan, well rather the men under his command, he was just there enjoying the torture. This madman had locked up the dragon and beat him to try to tame him, but he never succeeded after all he was a dragon even a child. It was impossible to try to control him as a result, he destroyed an entire village while causing an explosion of mana, he managed to free himself but ended up dying at the hands of Choi han. Even without his intervention he would still have ended up dying, when whether you voluntarily or not cause an explosion of mana death is assured...

«*Sigh* How can I escape it...»

«Bypass the village or maybe try to free it... *sigh* ah we'll see when the time comes...» He ended up giving up, he'll plan when the time comes to.

Just like that two days had passed he was now outside ready to get into the car with his brother to start the journey. A final greeting from their father and they left.

Cale sat in the car next to his brother with the kittens, Ron was in the front with the driver while Choi Han was with the knights.

Basen tried to communicate with his brother, although he answered the answers were always short but that's it. Compared to the silence of recent years, this was already an evolution.

Apart from small conversations the trip was rather calm until...

Cale's gaze was still out, but an event disrupted his calm.

«As expected, they really showed up.»

As they crossed a mountain range, dozens of people appeared in front of their path.

"Pay the toll if you want to cross this mountain!"

"Take out everything you have! If we find anything after you claim to have removed everything, it will be 1 slap for every bronze found!"

Yes, it was the bandits.

There were bound to be bandits in a fantasy story, but the fact that there were dozens of them was surprising. They were probably counting on their numbers to attack this carriage which only had 5 knights.

Basen seemed a little worried while Cale was very calm even the kittens didn't move from their sleeping seats.

*Knock Knock* The noise startled Basen. It came from the small window near the driver's seat before the window opened slightly and Ron looked inside.

"Young masters, it seems we will have to take a break, there seem to be a lot of rabbits here."

Rabbits. Cale shook for a moment as Basen became confused, Ron said, "Ah!" before smiling and adding.

"Ah, this rabbit is different from the rabbit I was going to catch for you young masters. Of course, these rabbits will not be caught by me but by other people."

Cale paid attention to Basen next to him to see him relax with his butler's words after understanding what he was talking about. Cale was protected by someone scarier than the bandits. He listened to the sound of bandits' screams coming from outside the car, as he began to calculate the time.

«A day and a half environment.»

In about a day and a half, they would arrive around the area where the Black Dragon was being tortured. It was earlier than Choi Han's arrival in the novel, which was why he had them rushing in without taking a break.

In order to get the results, he wanted, Cale had to choose to camp outdoors.

There was no village along the way to the village near the hidden Black Dragon Cave.

The Cat Tribe's red kitten, Hong, meowed and wagged his tail, as if motivated. It was because of the delicious smell that filled the area.

«The joy of the day comes from eating a delicious dinner.»

That's what Cale thought. A hot dinner was the signal for the end of a long and tiring day and the beginning of a restful night. The main course tonight was rabbit meat soup.

When he thought about the attack earlier, Cale wasn't very hungry anymore, Ron's smile didn't help but he was pushed by everyone to eat. So, he didn't really have a choice, he did it by trying to think of other things. Ron reminded him to take his medicine, the smile never left. He shivered but did it anyway.

He was then able to hear Choi Han and Basen talking about the bandit attack.

"Are you well, young master? Is this the first time you've had this kind of experience?"

Basen nodded shyly. Then Choi Han's gaze shifted to Cale. Asking him the same question.

"No, I'm used to it." Cale spoke without thinking, his words cast a chill over the entire camp."

Of course, everyone heard the latest rumours about the young master who was sick and that he hid his illness from others by making them stay away from him. People were easily able to connect all the dots, the trashy young master did it on purpose. He hid the abuse he suffered, and it ended up seriously affecting him, making him ill.

They were no longer afraid of the young master, they were rather sad that a child had to go through all this, just by looking at his complexion they could already see that it was the truth. They only wanted to protect him now after all the years when they knew nothing about everything he suffered. Ron and Choi han thought the same thing their expressions also became serious. Even Basen was looking at his brother with a worried look, the kittens had approached him and were rubbing against his shoes to try to cheer him up much to Cale's confusion.

" Is there a problem?" Cale asked innocently.

"Cale-nim... rest, I'll practice a little..." Choi han said it and left with a determined look.

The other knights nodded as Ron returned with some tea. Cale was already afraid that there was lemon, but he could smell a sweet smell, he looked at Ron in surprise, who just smiled at him. Cale immediately looked away while accepting the tea happily.

The gloomy atmosphere was gone when they could see the young master smiling while drinking his tea.

«A simple tea can make him smile like that...» Many had these thoughts especially his brother. He promised himself to try to get closer to him and to always bring him tea when he comes to see him now. He will take advantage of his time in the capital to find the best possible ones for him, he now had a determined look too.

Cale didn't pay attention to anyone around him, he just enjoyed the nice, sweet taste in his mouth.

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