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I woke up at 10:38 with a pounding headache. I realize I am at Kyle's.
"Kyle?" I call out.
"Ya Willow?" He responds sitting on the arm of the couch.
"What am I doing here? Why do I have a fucking headache?" I snap my head throbbing.
"Cody dropped you off and said he was walking by your house... you tripped and fell so he helped you out" he said.
"Oh.....alright I guess" I say resting my head on his lap. He's lying. I know he's lying. I can physically feel it.
I laid there thinking about what happened. I closed my eyes and saw hazel eyes. It must of been a flashback from last night.
"What is today?" I ask, leaving my eyes closed.
"Tuesday" he said playing with my hair softly.
"I was out for a day?" I asked still not moving.
"Yea" he said grabbing another peace of hair. "I'm gonna go to be store. I'll be back soon." Kyle says and kisses me on the forehead.
A few minutes pass and I opened my eyes, sitting up and preparing for failure. I attempted to stand up but instantly fell. I feel a warm hand grab mine and an arm wrapped around my waste
"Easy easy" a warm voice says.
I look up to a beautiful pair of hazel eyes that belonged to the one and only....Cody

Memories instantly flash through me. Memories of Tyler drugging me. Memories of him touching me. But the most important one the memory of Cody saving me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and hold him close. I feel so dirty and used. "thank you Cody thank you so much" I whispered. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. "Do you want to come to my room and hang out?" He asked a slight blush on his cheeks. I nodded into the crook of his neck. "Here just jump up a little bit" so I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs. He walked us into his bedroom and he set me down on the bed. I wrapped the fuzzy blanket around me and stared at the a ceiling. He walked out of his built in bathroom. In shorts. Just shorts. No shirt. Damn. Just. Damn. I lifted the cover to see I'm in a t-shirt and jeans. "Can I borrow some clothes" I asked before I even thought about it I asked. Damn no filter. Fuck you too. "Yea sure" I went through his closet and grabbed his dark blue under armor sweat shirt, a t shirt, and a pair of boxers I went into the bathroom. I feel sooooo dirty. I took my shirt and bra off. Holding it to my chest I cracked the door open. "Hey can I get a quick shower..." "Yea sure wash cloths are in the second drawer" he says.
"thank you" and with that I closed the door got the rest of the way undressed and got in the shower.

*10-15 min later*

I was out of the shower and done getting dressed. I opened the door I walked over to the couch and sat on the far end. "What are we watching" I said after 5 minutes of commercials. "Supernatural!!" He says excitedly. My eyes buldged out of my head "REALLY!?!?!?"
"YAAAAS!!!" With that I pulled up the hood on the sweatshirt and laid my head on the arm of the couch "I'm cold" he didn't seem to hear me, he was really involved in the show. So I moved over to the middle and snuggled up against him. His arm went from the back of the couch, to around my shoulder. As soon as commercial came on my eyes started getting droopy. I yawned. And I fell asleep snuggled up against Cody.

*1:30 the morning*

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM" a voice screamed.
"SHE IS MINE" the first voice defended
"NO SHES NOT" the second reclaimed
"LIKE FUCK SHE AINT" the first voice screamed angrily.

I put together the peices and realized that it was Cody and Tyler fighting. I got up. And went to see what the screaming was about. I was trying to find the stairs but my brain wouldn't cooperate with me. "CODY!!!" I screamed. Then fell to the floor.

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