Chapter Twenty Six: Catching up with a friend

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TW: Swearing

Cecilia's POV:

My eyes fluttered open, the red light of Hell was peering onto my face. Sitting up, I swung my legs over to the edge of the bed and planted my feet on the ground. I started walking to my dresser and picked out my usual kind of outfit that I normally wear.

After getting dressed for the day, I was wondering what I should do for the day. Though, eventually I decided to have a conversation with Angel first. I haven't spoken to him in a while, and I feel bad for not being able to give him the attention that friends normally give one another.

Opening the door to my room, I stepped outside into the hallway. My feet carried me to Angel's bedroom. Though, instead of excited like I should be, my heart was beating out of my chest, making my ears ring. Was I nervous? Or possibly overreacting?

Shaking my head, I knocked on his door before I decided to turn back around. After a few moments, Angel opened the door, a big grin was plastered on his face.

"Oh, hey Ceci! What's up?" Angel spoke with his classic smile.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to catch up on a few things. May I come in?"

Angel nodded and let me inside his room, closing the door behind the two of us. "Whatcha wanna talk about?" He sat on his bed and I went over to sit next to him.

With a shrug, I tried answering his question to the best of my ability. "Just about things. Like, I dunno, how things have been between you and Cherri, about Valentino, things like that. We haven't spoken to one another in a while and I miss the times where we would hang out without a care in the world. It just feels like ever since this hotel, we've been hanging out with one another less and less, you know?"

He nodded his head, agreeing with my statement. "Yeah, true. I've been wantin' to catch up on some things as well."

"So, I guess to start things out, how has Cherri been? I haven't spoken to her in a while."

"She's been fine. Doin' normal turf wars and shit. She has been askin' to hang out with you anotha time though. She misses ya, you know?"

A hum escaped my lips as I let that sink in. I shouldn't be surprised. Angel, Cherri, and I were the trio of random turf wars we were always caught up in. Even News 666 expected the turf wars by now.

"I miss her too," I spoke. "When do you think I'll be able to see her again?"

"Maybe in a day or two, if ya are willin' to see her. Don'tcha have her number?"

"Not anymore. Valentino was able to take my phone one day and deleted most of my contacts, besides you and Valentino himself."

Angel groaned. "That's selfish as fuck. Want me to give ya her number? I'm sure she'll be thrilled to keep in contact with ya again."

My head bounced up and down in excitement. "Yes, please!"

He grinned as he brought out his phone and gave me it, with Cherri's contact at the top. I plugged in her number on my phone and handed Angel his phone back. "Thanks, Angie. Now I can finally have contact with her again. Next time, I'll make sure I won't let Valentino take my phone, even for a second."

Just to test, I whipped out her number and decided to text her quickly, just to test the number out. While texting, Angel was peering over my shoulder.

Me: Heyy Cherri. This is Ceci, Angie finally gave me ur number. Text back when u can. Love ya!

With a breath of relief, I pressed send. Angel's grin widened at the text, looking relieved that I was able to text our friend again.

"Isn't it betta bein' able to text her instead of askin' me to check up on her for ya?" Angel asked with a joking tone in his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04 ⏰

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