Daddy Issues

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April 26th, 10 AM

"Babe, you need to eat something,"

I lifted my head from my hands. " How could I possibly eat? He is going down for what we did," I whispered, trying to keep others from hearing me.

"You don't know that Parker, there is no reason to stress till we know for sure. Please, eat the muffin and drink the coffee before I get arrested for shoving it down your throat." He smirked, of course, I couldn't help myself from cracking a smile. He was good to me. Too good, he was definitely making up for his mistakes. I can't wait for the day we can truly be together without the interruptions.

"Parker Romano," I stood up,


"You can see him now." I followed the officer to the visiting area,

"Daddy?" He turned to look at me, his eyes dark and angry.

"What are you doing here, Parker?"

"To find out why you are here." Clearly, he was not happy with me. I was ridden with anxiety, my lip was bleeding from how much I was chewing on it.

"I am a mafia boss, Parker, why do you think?"

"What charges did they get you on?"

His eyes shot at me. "You just want to know if I went down for you."

"No, I want to-"

"I didn't. I won't. I smuggled drugs. Happy?"

"Why? Why would I be happy about that?"

He scoffed. "Now I am out of your life, just like you want."

"Why are you being so cruel? I don't want you out of my life. I miss you and our relationship."

"If I am found guilty, your mother is leaving me. You are leaving to be with the son of the man who put me here. I may be a criminal, Parker, but I don't dabble in drugs. But I am in the mafia, so no matter what I say, they won't believe me. My life, as I know it, is ruined. Go run off with your prince and leave me to rot."


"GO PARKER, I don't want to see you."

The tears were welling up in my eyes. This wasn't my father anymore. 

10 PM

I tossed and turned in bed for hours, I couldn't turn my brain off, so I got up and threw on my robe. Octavia found me on the deck smoking a joint.

"You're up late," Octavia came out and sat in the chair beside me and took the joint from my hand.

"Can't sleep," I giggled, "my life is falling apart."

"Is it falling apart or coming together."

I rolled my eyes, "I wish I knew, right now, all I know is I want to get high enough to forget the mess known as my life."

"Cheers to that," Octavia said as she passed the joint back to me.

"What am I going to do, O? I feel like I have lost my dad and I don't even fully understand why, we used to be so close and now he is so cold to me."

"He lives a dangerous life, Park, he still loves you and I am sure he is still in there. He is in some deep shit right now."

I took a hit and inhaled feeling the smoke fill my lungs, letting it linger before I exhaled. "I feel numb,"

"That is the high."

"I think- I think I am done."

"Really? You only smoked like half."

"No, I am done with my dad. I am done allowing him to treat me this way. I am done trying to make up with him. I am done. He can rot in prison."

We sat in silence for what seemed to be like days but were really only hours. Definitely an effect of the high.

May 3rd, 11:30 AM

It had been a week since everything happened with my dad, he had his trial and was found guilty. I had no tears to shed, I just didn't care anymore, he had finally pushed me away completely. My mom as well, the twins didn't understand, but they will someday.

It was almost prom, I definitely needed to find a dress, a dress that Ruby could rip off of me. Of course, dirty thoughts filled my head. We hadn't had sex since the night I found out he had a bet on me. I knew that it could have been better. I think in the back of my mind I knew something wasn't right with us at the time.


My mom pulled me from my thoughts, "hmm?"

"Do you like the dress?"

I was standing in front of the mirror in the dressing room wearing a floor-length, bright pink gown. "I just, I don't think it's me, mama."

"That is okay honey, try on a different one."

I took off the dress and proceeded to put on a light blue, mermaid-style, satin dress with a slit in the skirt. This one. This was the one.

"That's the one," my mother smiled, I nodded as I examined myself in the mirror, it fit me like a glove and I knew this would have Ruby's jaw on the floor.

5 PM

Ruby texted me earlier asking to go to dinner, I was so excited for him to see my dress it was killing me having to hide it from him. 

I wasn't sure where we were going so I decided on a nice dress and wedges. It was a long sleeve, navy blue dress that was low cut so I made sure to wear my super push-up bra. Had to show off the goods. I don't know what was happening to me, I never cared to impress people. But Ruby. Man did he have a pull over me. I felt so strongly for him. All I wanted to do was rip his clothes off. Constantly. I wasn't a virgin, I knew what it was like to have sex. I didn't sleep around but I have had a couple of boyfriends.

But it is like something has come over me. I have changed, maybe it was the murder? The emotional trauma from my father? Oh god, not the daddy issues.

Whatever it was, I didn't care, my body ached for him.

My phone dinged pulling me from my thoughts. It was Ruby.

"On my way beautiful!"

Ugh, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and the grin growing across my face.

Before I had the chance to respond, a number flashed on the screen, underneath was the name of the prison my father was in. I hesitated before answering.

"This call is from Spring Creek Correctional Center, do you accept the charges?"

My skin grew cold.




"Listen, do not go near any of my items in my office, do you understand me?" His voice was different, he didn't even sound like my dad anymore.

"That's all you called about?"

"Do you understand or not?"

"I guess but-"

"Good." The line went dead.

He fucking hung up on me.

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